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Tuesday July 11, 2006 Edition
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Vergennes Celebrates French Heritage Day

Tuesday July 11, 2006

Flags from France and Canada will be flying alongside the U.S. flag in the little city of Vergennes on Saturday, July 15.

French Heritage Day, as the celebration is entitled, will be an educational, fun-filled day for the whole family.  

From the park bandstand you will hear toe-tapping French Canadian fiddle music, spoon playing, singing, and clogging!  French food will abound both in the park and restaurants with outdoor cafés!  

Step back in time and take a horse and carriage ride, or watch, as traditional crafts are demonstrated- spinning, weaving, quilting, rug hooking, knitting, rag rug making.  

Join in and play a game of yester year such as checkers, marbles, cat in a cradle, cup and ball, etc. Remember how good homemade ice cream used to taste?  Come and try some.  

Would you like to learn how to trace your French roots?  The Vermont French-Canadian Genealogical Society and the DAR will be on hand to help get you started!  As you can see,  French Heritage Day in Vergennes, on July 15th should not be missed! 


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