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Elderly Services Will Host Open House
Tuesday May 16, 2006
On Saturday, May 20, from 3:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m., Elderly Services will be hosting an informational open house. Joanne Corbett, Director, explains, “We've done the open house to show off our beautiful new building, now this open house is an outreach effort.” People with concerns regarding the care of an elderly relative are invited to learn about available services and speak with a social worker about their specific concerns.
Corbett said that folks might have an elder living in their home, or living nearby, or even elsewhere in the country. It really doesn't matter as long there is a concern and the individual is looking for a solution. Those interested will have a chance to spend 20 minutes with a social worker, and if more time is needed a longer follow-up appointment can be made for a later time. When people think of Elderly Services, usually the first thought that comes to mind is Project Independence. This day program, with organized activities and the opportunities for social interaction, is only a part of what Elderly Services, Inc. is about. In addition to “Project,” as it is known to participants, the organization offers E.S.I. (Elderly Services, Inc.) College, a continuing education program for seniors with a wide variety of courses, some academic in nature and others just fun. This is open not only to participants in Project Independence, but to others as well. Significant additional services offered include eldercare counseling for caregivers or relatives and mental health counseling for elders with issues such as depression and anxiety. Those interested in what Elderly Services has to offer can come alone or they can bring their relatives for a tour of the beautiful new facility. Often someone is resistant to going out and socializing but seeing the facilities and participants enjoying each other's company can make all the difference. Activities offered in the day program include musical entertainers, creative art, cooking, word games, trivia, exercise, indoor/outdoor sport games, current events, history group, readings, guest speakers, spelling bees, slide shows, visits from local schools, discussion groups, and regular visits of pets from the humane society. There are often field trips to local attractions. Nursing, transportation and help with personal care are always available. However, the May 20 open house will focus on the needs and concerns of relatives and caregivers, offering the opportunity to learn more, not only about what Project Independence has to offer, but the support services available both to family and those concerned about and charged with the care of the elderly. There is a wealth of information available, even though a relative may be hundreds of miles away. Elderly Services can provide contacts and information through the vast network of services offered in every state. Addison County's Elderly Services has been designated a model for innovative and proactive services on a nationwide basis. The event will take place at the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Center for Elderly Services with their entrance on Exchange Street, just adjacent to r.k.Miles Building Supply. For more information, call 802 388-3983 and ask for Scott or Margaret.
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