Honoring Those Serving Now

By Cookie Steponaitis

Recently promoted to Sargent, Michael & Jacquelyn Prime smile for a photo!
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Recently promoted to Sargent, Michael & Jacquelyn Prime smile for a photo!
Leighann Higbee enters into her 10th year in the Armed Services and is very happy with her choice to serve.
photo by provided
Leighann Higbee enters into her 10th year in the Armed Services and is very happy with her choice to serve.

While Americans cannot seem to agree on the role of the American flag in our nation and what is protest and what is disrespect, there is no disagreement on the gratitude felt for those serving in the Armed Forces of this nation. An October 16th, 2015 Time magazine article defined American troop presence overseas to include a total of 150,600 stationed in places of conflict with a lengthy heritage of warfare around the globe. Time reported, “48,828 stationed in Japan, 37,744 in Germany, 27,558 in South Korea, 11,697 in Italy, 9,800 in Afghanistan, 5647 in Guam, 1590 in Turkey, 1196 in Belgium and 44,800 identified as U.S. Central Command Areas of Responsibility. These include Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, and Yemen.” The American soldier serves at home as well and is there in times of disaster and need.
    Addison County resident and Army soldier Michael Prime enlisted in the military in 2014 and has been in the U.S. Army for the past three years. Prime has already seen a one-year overseas deployment and serves as a 25 Uniform Signal Support Systems Specialist. Recently promoted to Sargent, Prime feels a strong connection to Veterans Day and shared, “it is a day that I remember those who have fought alongside me and unfortunately the ones that didn’t make it home.” Serving alongside Prime is his wife Jacquelyn and children. This particular Veterans Day is impacted greatly by the fictionalization of the nation and as an Army wife and mother, Jacquelyn worries. “It’s an honor to be married to an American soldier. It does require a great deal of strength, but it comes with a great amount of pride and love both for your spouse and this county. I am disappointed in the way this whole ordeal around the flag has caused such a divide. I feel like we are forgetting what the flag stands for and the unity this country needs to be strong. We need to support each other and our differences.”
    Addison County soldier Leighann Higbee has been in the Vermont Army Guard for nine years and serves as a supply Sargent. In addition to learning a huge amount and gaining confidence, Higbee has found a drive to better herself and develop all of her leadership potential. When asked about Veterans Day Higbee remarked, “I don’t feel the need to have people thank me; it was my choice to serve. I am much more linked to Memorial Day and to honor those who didn’t make it home and will always have my highest respect.” Like others of her generation Higbee joined the Army Guard as a way to serve her nation while gaining skills that will take her farther toward her goals in life. The Champlain Valley had a long-standing connection to all branches of the Armed Services and a rather large percentage serve. In this time of turmoil and internal conflict in America, Veteran’s Day takes on a heightened level of importance to those currently serving. “I wish so much that all of America could see what I see at the end of each day,” shared Jacquelyn Prime. “The speaker sounds off on base and all men and women stop what they are doing to salute the flag. You can feel the unity and pride in our country in a place filled with incredible diversity. I have so much respect and gratitude for all who serve.”

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