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Tuesday August 8, 2017 Edition
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The Rotary Club Of Middlebury Distributed Over $60,000 In Grants

Tuesday August 8, 2017

The Rotary Club of Middlebury is pleased to announce the results of 2016/2017 Fundraising and Grant Awards year.  The President for the year, Ben Fuller, oversaw a robust and productive fundraising effort that included our popular holiday Flag Project, the Buster Brush Golf Tournament, the Maple Run Breakfast as well as our 9th annual Spring Online Auction.
    At the annual Gala Dinner on May 19th, at the culmination of Rotary Week, the club was proud to distribute over $60,000 in Grants to local organizations including HOPE, Elderly Services, MREMS, Addison County Home Health and Hospice, Open Door Clinic and the Middlebury New Filmmakers Festival. These and more than 20 other organizations were beneficiaries of the hard work and unselfish dedication of the 54 members of the Club.
    As the new Rotary Year begins under the direction of President Tom Telling, the club is looking forward to another great year supporting the good works of  local non-profits as well as many member supported service projects. Rotary is  also excited to announce the first annual Fall Festival to be held on Sunday, September 24th on the lawn behind the Mahaney Arts Center. The Rotary Club of Middlebury thanks all of their supporters last year who helped Middlebury Rotary achieve its goals.

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