2017 The Year Ahead For The Sun SignsBy Lydia Solini (www.AstrologyByLydia.com) Aries: There may still be lots of uncertainty for you this year with Uranus conjunct your Sun in Aries. Creating a balanced life would be very beneficial in 2017. It is possible to obsess about situations, being physically active can help you avoid tension. Remember your needs matter, although many depend on you; without being refueled by your passions, even occasionally, you may become too drained to continue to support others. So, pare down your obligations; seek fun social activities periodically and avoid taking on the problems of others even though your intentions are good. Be open to making changes, if they seem really appealing. Ask for help!?!? I know you hate to ask for anything but you might really need it and it could make you feel cared about and less isolated. Expand your view about what you can have for yourself and prune your life of anything that curtails your freedom. Taurus: This is an easy year for you with many planets in harmony with your Sun! Continue to work on your financial stability, you have earned lots of credibility and if you want to change careers or jobs this is the year to take a gander at what’s out there! It is safe to cultivate and nurture your dreams, so be imaginative and creative by inserting these behaviors in all areas of your life. Throughout the year, you will have lots of opportunity to follow your hunches. If you have been dreaming about starting your own business, this is the year to invest in yourself. Get lots of advice, facts and financial understanding, first, but if that all looks good and there is a market for what you do, go for it. The last 4 months of the year, is a time of returns on your investments; which can bring a raise, profits or rewards. Be willing to socialize or network with others to further your interests. Gemini: This year is still a balancing act for you with Neptune in Pisces and Saturn in Sagittarius. Hard work and effort are the key to creating positive adjustments in your life. Take the time to consider what you want, even though you may be vacillating over one thing and another. When you are feeling confused give yourself a 24-hour period to think about things before asking others for advice. After a day, you should be feeling surer about what would be best. Continue to take yourself seriously and others will too. You may have to make some big decisions in 2017, changes need to be made, especially if you were not making many changes last year. The most important thing you can do is to feel as though your personality is being fully utilized in the work you do, without this you can continue to feel unhappy about your everyday situation. Take care of your health; get more rest, exercise and eat well! Cancer: This year will compel you to assert yourself, as Uranus and Pluto gets an extra added push from Jupiter. With so many planets aspecting your Sun; you are in an expansive time; one in which you many see many things in the past and present with a slightly different perspective. This offers a great opportunity to do things in a larger than life way. Travel, change of residence or job are possible because you have lots of opportunities to consider what you want from a more expansive point of view, and change may not seem as stressful as it has in the past. Your intuition can be uncanny this year so pay close attention to what you are feeling and remember to discuss your observations with the people you are ruminating about, it will change your relationship potential. Continue to let go of the past with a renewed commitment to making your life better. Leo: This is a year to shoot for the stars! With the harmonious aspects to your Sun continuing from last year, this is a great time for your natural flamboyant personality to choose options that really resonate with your desires. The possibilities are endless as long as you are truly feeling excited and inspired by whatever you are doing. Your social life should have improved a bit during last year and should continue to peak in 2017. Stay in touch with your spirituality and your intuition, it may be easy to get off course, since there is so much of interest in the world to experience, periodically pull back and reflect. Your relationships in all sectors of your life should improve as you learn to continually express yourself and your hopes and wishes to others. Even though you are not feeling particularly vulnerable, it is still important to ask others for their input or support. Virgo: Hopefully, you have addressed difficult situations and taken care of yourself last year, so that 2017 can offer you a more relaxed and positive life experience. If you have, you should be feeling a lot more confident, less exhausted and more optimistic about the future! You are naturally a hard worker, continue to do your best but avoid over doing it. Let those responsible for creating messes deal with them. Take some time to get away, either physically through travel or by taking some time for yourself every day to explore life’s possibilities and then take some assertive steps to make changes. You may decide to really get out of your ruts and opt for a less stressful life. Your overall intelligence is highlighted this year which helps you to evaluate situations from a more detached perspective thanks to Saturn in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces. Libra: You are in an expansive cycle in 2017 one that is filled with the chance to enlarge all of your prospects because of Jupiter in Libra. Couple this with Uranus and it is a great time to make changes that can really take you out of challenging or unhappy situations. So, break out of outmoded thinking and start choosing relationships with thoughtful, broadminded people who care about you. You may decide to go back to school, or ask for a new position at work or make many changes in your life, all of which can lead to great outcomes. Although you are a people person, you may decide to do some things for yourself or by yourself this year. When you make productive changes, you will see the fruits of your labor in unexpected ways. Think carefully and you will make great choices! Scorpio: Focus on your personal life in 2017! Although, you are able to stand alone you do much better with a partner, someone close to you who cares and understands you and can cut through your sometimes-moody behavior. With a little effort, you can meet someone new or enhance an existing relationship, Neptune in Pisces, helps you be more sensitive to those in your life and Pluto in Capricorn, helps you to look deeply at your motivation. This helps you get a better understanding of yourself and helps you create more positive relationships. The more you communicate with others and share your heartfelt feelings the greater the chance of making some wonderful strides forward: this can positively affect your job, career, love life, friendships and your vitality. Sagittarius: Saturn in Sagittarius has been a task master and it has helped you put your ideals and plans in order this past year. In 2017, you will let go of anything that has not worked out even after all the diligent effort. This goes for activities and people, it is time to move on if your dreams have not panned out. It may mean that you need to do something differently or with different people but something will need to change if you don’t feel like you are on a successful track. However, you are viewing your life with more clarity, and you have Capricorn: Pluto is still holding steady in your life which keeps you focused on accomplishing anything you seriously care about in 2017. Expect lots of surprises with Uranus in Aries, learning to enjoy the unexpected actually helps you allow new people and situations into your life this year, which in turn helps you become more flexible. Jupiter is reminding you to relate better to your own needs so that whatever deliberate action you do take resonates with your deep desires. You will continue to work hard to fulfill your life purpose in the year ahead. Seek fun periodically, and focus on personal relationships with other accomplished people who you can comfortably share your concerns with, you rarely let down your guard but this year you will need to do it in order to get closer to your goals of a contented life! Aquarius: Many possibilities exist for you in 2017! You are still getting the planetary support you need to do the things you want to do. Relating to others continues to be harmonious as well as enriching; having a niche to totally express yourself is the key to your personal happiness. You may find also that you receive far more accolades from the work you do or the services you provide during this year. Take risks that you truly believe in, many positive energies are giving you the green light this year, so do what you have been putting off because of past responsibilities or the needs of others. You are learning to navigate independently, something you are a natural at, but may have been prevented from doing because of past obligations. Whatever you truly want you can manifest this year, so be bold, be expressive and don’t look back!
My horoscope predictions address your Sun sign only, for a complete understanding of all the possibilities, challenges and choices that are actually going to be a part of your life experience in 2017, please contact me to have personalized Reading about your Future. Wishing you all a joyful and prosperous New Year! |
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