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Tuesday March 1, 2016 Edition
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Local Orator Advances To State Championship

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Tuesday March 1, 2016
For the 63rd year, contestants from across the state of Vermont will come together to compete on March 5th at Middlebury College for the honor of representing the state of Vermont at the national competition of the American Legion Oratorical. With top national prizes of $18,000, $16,000 and $14,000, the best of the high school orators from around the nation compete annually for scholarship money. This past weekend the divisional level of competition was held in the Champlain Valley and VUHS junior Alyse Beauchemin emerged the winner for the northern part of the state. With an 8-10 minute original speech on the U.S. Constitution and a second speech on one of four assigned topics, Alyse won the right to advance to states this coming weekend. The current defending state champion, Beauchemin has been competing in speech contests since her freshman year and this year will also represent the Vergennes Lions Club at their upcoming state championship. When asked about speeches, Beauchemin grinned and remarked, “ I was approached by my teacher in 9th grade and I simply fell in love with it. I have learned an incredidble amount about my country and on how to present ideas to any size audience.” The Valley Voice wishes Alyse the very best in her next round of competition.
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