Just Down The Road In Shoreham At Trade Winds Farm
By Cookie Steponaitis

photo by Photo Provided Stop by the farm or check out the stand by Vermont Federal Credit Union! |
There is something magical about the smell of fresh trees and as Addison County prepares for the holidays the selection of the right tree, wreath or garland is a part of many families’ plans. Tim and Lorraine Hescock have been making wreaths and garland and decorating them for homes all over America for the past ten plus years in addition to the extensive maple products and homemade pies waiting at Trade Winds Farm on Route 74 in Shoreham. “Our Balsam greens come from our own farm and the North East Kingdom of Vermont and our Pine and Cedar comes from both our farm and other local sources,” explained the Hescocks. “We make our wreaths fresh to order so not only are they naturally beautiful, they smell wonderful right until the end of the season.” Whether you stop by the farm in Shoreham or the stand set up at the Vermont Federal Credit Union in Middlebury, know that the trees are fresh, the garland divine and the wreaths either fully decorated or waiting for your own magical touch. Five dollars from each purchase is being donated to HOPE and the Open Door Clinic through the United Way and in partnership with Vermont Federal Credit Union. Another delightful treat is the perfect small pie the Hescock’s call a Tummy. After its creation in 2002, this smaller sized pie is made from all natural ingredients and is a single serving size. Whether you want one for yourself or to ship to friends, these pies are compact in size but packed full with fresh apple, blueberry, cherry, raspberry or blackberry flavors and can be picked up or shipped as an assortment. So, what are you waiting for? The smells, sights and tastes of the season are just down the road in Shoreham or you can contact the Hescocks and Trade Winds Farm at (802) 897-2448 or by checking out their website at www.vermonttradewinds.com to send a little of Vermont to your loved ones.