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Tuesday March 10, 2015 Edition
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Middlebury Lions Present $500 Check To Relay For Life

photo by Mike Cameron |
Tuesday March 10, 2015
By Mike Cameron
The Middlebury Lions Club has come through once again for The American Cancer Society. On March 2, 2015, the Lions presented a check for $500 to Mike Jackman Sponsorship Chairperson to help in this year's ACS “Celebrate, Remember, Fight Back” campaign. At right: State Representative Harvey Smith presents the check while Donna Rae Decatur Specialist, Relay For Life, New England Division looks on prior to her planned presentation to the Club at Rosie's Restaurant here in Middlebury. “We are grateful to the Lions ,” Jackman told the Voice “and thankful that more people will be joining us. There is plenty of room for people on a relay team so sign up now.”he explained. Once again Relay For Life of Middlebury will form a partnership with Middlebury College. It will take place on Saturday April 11, 2015 Noon to Midnight at the Kenyon Arena. The official Website is RelayFor Life.org/middleburycollege. Facebook information is posted as Relay For Life of Middlebury College. Most of us have heard of or been personally effected by this disease. It is important to know that “Today with the support of thousands of volunteers, we are helping to save 500 lives a day. And we won't stop until we finish the fight against cancer!” This is the mantra of this event and The American Cancer Society, all made possible through the hard work and ultimate generosity of local service organizations like The Lions Club of Middlebury and ACS volunteers.
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