Middlebury FFA Students Excel In Agricultural Sciences

By Cookie Steponaitis

Bethany Orvis with a two year old milker at Addison County Field Days in 2014.
photo by Photo Provided
Bethany Orvis with a two year old milker at Addison County Field Days in 2014.
Bethany and Warren Ringey at the fair comparing his Jersey to Bethany’s fall yearling.
photo by Photo Provided
Bethany and Warren Ringey at the fair comparing his Jersey to Bethany’s fall yearling.
Summer preparation for the fair. It is a labor of love for Bethany. She loves cattle and loves the farm life.
photo by Photo Provided
Summer preparation for the fair. It is a labor of love for Bethany. She loves cattle and loves the farm life.

Future Farmers of America chapters in Addison County are comprised of students taking a wide variety of courses including Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources, Diesel Power Technology, Mechanical Science or Plant/Animal Science programs at the Hannaford Career Center or Vergennes Union High School. Around the state, FFA members complete in Career Development Events, (CDE’s) which allow them to learn, receive feedback and earn the right to represent the region at the National Conference in Indiana. Helping students develop skills in all areas of agriculture, the programs and offers of FFA continue to grow and evolve as agricultural sciences continue to change in the Champlain Valley and around the world.
    MUHS sophomore Bethany Orvis lives the farming life all year long. Involved with her family farm, Bethany loves cattle and shows them for 4-H at the local county fair. As a member of the Middlebury Future Farmers of America, Orvis is a on the Dairy Judging Team and takes classes in plant and animal sciences at the Hannaford Career Center. “I take FFA and agriculture very seriously,” shared the FFA member. “I am the vice president for the Middlebury Chapter and my father was also involved when he was in school.” Already planning of taking forestry next fall at PHCC, Orvis also includes Sustainable Agriculture classes in the mix for the spring semester of her junior year. Whether or not she will continue the family tradition of farming is yet to be determined, because as Orvis remarks, “I don’t know yet and there are just so many opportunities.”
     At a recent FFA Winter Foresty CDE competition, HCCC students shone in many areas. Middlebury FFA took first place team with 1st place individually being awarded to Nate Fefee. 2nd place went to Derek Whitcomb, 4th place went to Jake Codding, 6th place to Felician Baslow, and 8th place to Collin Gennings. In the Horse National CDE bronze winners were: Courtney Bronson, Mikaila Cota, Sam Little and Kendra Treadway. Tractor Trouble Shooting CDE 1st place finishers and winners of a $ 10,000 scholarship to UNOH were Austin and Nick Norton. Rounding out the top finishers and earning $ 6,000 scholarships were Rick Bodington and Logan Marsano.

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