JoAn Canning Returns Home And Takes The Helm At ANWSU

By Emily Martin

photo by Beltrami Studio

When JoAn Canning returned to Addison Northwest Supervisory Union in June to assume the job of Superintendent of Schools, it was coming full circle. Canning worked for ANWSU from 1991 to 1994 as the Director of Special Education as well as schools in Chittenden County and the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont.
    Canning whose not only open minded, and handed, wants to be as transparent in her leadership as possible and has a goal of, “impacting every student that crosses the stage at graduation.” During her tenure one of Canning’s goals is to further implement technology into schools, in order to educate students in a way that will best prepare them for life beyond high school. Canning, like many educators understands not all learning will happen in a traditional classroom framework in the future and wants to prepare both teachers and students for that. Canning is working with all five school boards on developing a vision for the future of student education and success. Canning who is a supporter of global learning, the district and wants to create a learning atmosphere that focus on learning language in elementary school and link student of all ages around the globe through exchange and technology.
    Canning like all educational leaders is aware of the major funding issues and challenges that face education today. “Funding public education and ensuring that we have the resources to accomplish the board goals and vision for education are major challenges,” remarked the new superintendent. Canning vocalized that the recent budget problems will take some time to completely resolve, but plans to improve management of fiscal responsibility and planning are steps in the right direction.
    Steering the ship and balancing the need of K-12 and four school boards, is not an easy task, but a challenge that Canning welcomes. Glad to be back, Canning shared, “Vergennes is a great place to be, the revitalization of downtown, connections between schools and the community, the great teachers and staff, and communal involvement.” Already visible in the schools, Canning fully intends for each child to not only know her by name, but know her role in the educational process of each child in ANWSU.

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