Generations Find Summer Fun At The Pool

By Cookie Steponaitis

Jordan Kimball (Age 11) and Tyler Kimball (8) have been coming for over five years and would not miss a summer day at the pool!
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Jordan Kimball (Age 11) and Tyler Kimball (8) have been coming for over five years and would not miss a summer day at the pool!
Lifeguard Keegan Bosworth has spent countless hours at the pool as a teen and now serves as a life guard to the next generation of swimmers.
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Lifeguard Keegan Bosworth has spent countless hours at the pool as a teen and now serves as a life guard to the next generation of swimmers.
Kate Ayoette ( Age 11) earns the title of seasoned regular, because even though she is only eleven, every summer of her life has included some part of the day at the pool!
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Kate Ayoette ( Age 11) earns the title of seasoned regular, because even though she is only eleven, every summer of her life has included some part of the day at the pool!
Abby Fitzpatrick (age 6 ¾) was too comfortable to get up but had just come out from the water and was headed back in again after a little sun and snacks with grandma.
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Abby Fitzpatrick (age 6 ¾) was too comfortable to get up but had just come out from the water and was headed back in again after a little sun and snacks with grandma.

It’s the first few days of summer following the end of school and the local pools are full. Jumping, playing, swimming, sunning and talking are not only school children but generations of families who have come to make the local municipal pools a part of every summer. “It really was fun growing up here,” shared Vergennes Pool Lifeguard Chris Castillo. “Being able to teach younger kids and seeing them simply love being in the water makes it all the more fun.” Whether  it is daily swimming, swimming lessons or the local Vergennes Champs swim team, the Sam Fishman Memorial Pool or simply the Vergennes Pool as it is known is open and at full tilt already this summer. Jordan and Tyler Kimball have been coming to the pool for over five years now and were quick to add, “Just how much fun it really was.” Daily regular Kate Ayoette is eleven and simply cannot remember a summer in her life without coming to the pool every single day. She had big grins and nothing but happy stories to share about this annual summer destination for so many. Grandmother Barb Fitzpatrick was happily spending the afternoon with her visiting granddaughter Abby who makes generation three of her family that has benefited from the joy of being outside, swimming and being around family and friends.
Currently the hours and admission prices for this annual summer destination are as follows.
12:30-1:00 adult swim
1:00-3:00 general swim
2:00-3:15 adult swim
3:15-5:00 general swim
5:00-5:30 family swim
5:30-6:30 closed for dinner
6:30-8:30  general swim.

Admission fees: Over 18 $ 3.00, Ages 6-17 $ 2.00, Adult swim only $ 1.00, and children under six are free. So, what are you waiting for? Come on in! The water is superb and the fun is for all ages.

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