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Tuesday June 3, 2014 Edition
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New Business Appears On The Agricultural Horizon

photo provided Adding to the Addison County businesses is graduating senior Ethan Gevry. |
Tuesday June 3, 2014
By Cookie Steponaitis
It is simply a fact that Ethan Gevry seldom stands still and when he does his mind is fully engaged in planning his day, scheduling his time and working through new ventures for his businesses. Ethan Gevry is six days away from graduation and has more than a celebration in mind. He has a new business to open. Gevry’s Auction Service is making its premier in the Champlain Valley with young Ethan at the helm. “I will provide auction and auctioneer service,” remarked Gevry. “I will be doing farm auctions, equipment consignment sales, estate sales and monthly consignment auctions. I am starting this business because I have always had a love for auctions and auctioneering. It’s something that my grandfather and I do together. We attend auctions and I enjoy working with people and selling items. Now is the time for this business because a lot of the auctioneers in the area are getting older and I really want to be there to take their place when they step down.” Gevry’s Auction Service is located in Addison and is best accessed by phone at (802)349-0699 or (802) 759-2238. Gevry is in business to help not only local farmers but families wanting to liquidate the contents of a house. Gevry realizes that auctions and auction houses provide a skill and a function necessary to the community. “I want people to know I am a very people oriented person and am honest and trustworthy and ready to start a career in the auction world,” shared Gevry. “I have worked with other auctioneers and I am excited about this new business.” Ethan Gevry is always in motion and working and is yet another example of the next generation becoming a part of the tapestry of life in Addison County, finding creative ways to keep old traditions alive and become a part of the ever-changing landscape of the valley.
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