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Tuesday April 22, 2014 Edition
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One Thousand For Relay To Fight Cancer
Tuesday April 22, 2014
Relay For Life volunteer and local committee member Mike Jackman accepts a check for one thousand dollars from members of Sons of The American Legion Squadron #27 Middlebury Vermont on Thursday April 17th 2014. Squadron members include Lto R from Mike: Jim Trievel, Squadron Historian, Joe Larocque, Second Vice Commander, Bruce Costello, Sgt of Arms, Al Pockette, Adjutant, and Dave Gipson, Finance Officer. Mike is a long time associate of Relay For Life and a relay member of Team Waterhouse originally started 10-years ago by the Larose family. Mike was honored to receive the donation on behalf of his team and his fellow members of Relay For Life. This year's event will once again take place at Middlebury College. It begins at 6p.m. on Frtiday May 2nd and will conclude on Saturday May 3rd 2014 after 12-hours of walking, camaraderie, refreshments, mutual support and good cheer for a great cause; raising awareness and funding to fight cancer through the American Cancer Society. We salute Squadron #27 Sons of the American Legion in Middlebury and Mike for their funding and volunteerism on behalf of The American Cancer Society and would encourage anyone who can to participate in this year's relay. A list of this year's Relay sponsors and supporters appears inside our paper on page 5.
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