Vergennes Rotary Celebrates A Successful Year

Incoming Rotary President Tony Panella thanks out going Rotary president Sue Burdick
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Incoming Rotary President Tony Panella thanks out going Rotary president Sue Burdick
Rotarian Scott Gaines presents the Paul Harris Award to Sue Burdick honoring her commitment, service and devotion to Rotiarian causes.
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Rotarian Scott Gaines presents the Paul Harris Award to Sue Burdick honoring her commitment, service and devotion to Rotiarian causes.

Vergennes Rotary “ Mavericks” celebrated a successful year and the change over of leadership this week. Outgoing Rotarian President Sue Burdick awards Rotarian of the Year to Lynn Donnelly. Rotarian Scott Gaines presents the Paul Harris Award to Sue Burdick honoring her commitment, service and devotion to Rotiarian causes. The award is one of the most prestigious awarded from Rotary and was created to honor Rotary’s founder.














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