Turning A New Page

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Tuesday October 9, 2012
By Tom Pinsonneault
The Orwell Free Library search committee recently hired a new librarian. Following weeks of interviews and gathering applications from as far away as California in what seemed a nation-wide search the board selected a recent college graduate, Katie Hunter of Brandon, Vermont for the position.
Katie and a couple volunteers were busy with a project on this particular day (of the interview) but Katie smilingly pulled herself away to sit down with me for a few minutes. “My volunteers can help me if I run into trouble.”
Katie shared that her first two weeks on the job were a whirlwind of excitement and confusion and wonder. Setting priorities on what to do and how to accomplish making some changes and improvements are important to her.
“The people here are wonderful, very welcoming and helpful.” Katie went on to say:” I am having a blast and finding out that there’s a lot that goes into being a librarian! In the beginning a professional librarian was here to assist me. Now, I am on my own.”
Katie was happy to talk about the programs offered at the library and of her hopes to introduce others. Currently the library hosts a computer class every second Tuesday of the month and a pre-school children’s hour on Tuesdays at 10am. These programs are free and open to the public. She went on to explain that computers are available to patrons of the library (on-line access and printer services available). Currently there are seven computers for public use.
She recognized the Friends of the Library group as having secured a grant through the Libri Foundation to be used to upgrade and improve the children’s and young adult’s sections. Katie also noted other activities promoting the library and made particular reference to the next book sale to be held October 6th. Other activities and fundraisers are held throughout the year.
The Orwell Free Library website is in the works and is a part of the on-line library experience. There are lots of great thing happening at the Orwell Free Library.