It’s A Green Light for a Season of Home Improvement Projects

By Cookie Steponaitis

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Windows are framed and one more step of the home is complete.
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Windows are framed and one more step of the home is complete.
Armed with a hammer and patience, Sandy continues the pattern of many home builders, working full time during the day and going to the building site for long hours to work on the project.
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Armed with a hammer and patience, Sandy continues the pattern of many home builders, working full time during the day and going to the building site for long hours to work on the project.

    All of us have a list. You know the one! It includes your home improvement projects and they are listed under three categories - like, want and need. Spring for homeowners brings a fresh resolve to complete projects on that never ending list and with gas prices soaring to the near $4.00 a gallon mark, it makes staying home all the more appealing. So, what are you waiting for? As Vermont greens, the days lengthen and the rays of the sun warm our hearts and minds, Vermonters are gearing up for a season of home improvements.

   Home improvement for Sandy Chicoine became one of home replacement. On May 26, 2010, a fire changed the time frame for her home dreams and brought together a team of Addison County people to help her not only rebuild, but to watch a dream evolve into reality. “I started by drawing out each floor layout on graph paper. Then I cut out all of our furniture to scale and moved it around in the rooms and adjusted the rooms so that it all fit well,” shared Sandy. “Then I bought a home architecture program and carried the layout on to that and proceeded to play with it for hundreds of hours.” From the time the first shovel of dirt was turned to the finished product, Sandy gave kudos to some great people in Addison County that helped. “Mike LaFrambois, Chuck Rule and Davis Brakely built our house and they were incredible. Mike was the general contractor and is an exceptionally talented builder/carpenter. Glenn Peck, our head electrician was also incredible. Jim Ploof of Salisbury built a retaining wall in front of the house that will be here long after any of us will. Its boulders were taken right off the road that was widened and it serves to prevent the bank from eroding into the lake. Our family helped too as well as former students like Shaw Kipp. Our window trim was all completed in two days by Avery Smith of New Haven.”

   As the project went on, both Sandy and Heather gained an immense amount of skill and knowledge when they put in the flooring for the entire house, hardwood hickory, tile, laminate and concrete stain in the basement, as well as installing and building their own cabinets. The pair also built the hearth pad for the wood stove as well as the countertops, tiled the shower and stained the tongue and groove boards that line the walls with three coats of urethane.

    While today the house is finished, there is not only a sense of pride and joy at seeing the finished home built just the way they envisioned but Sandy had some advice for those venturing into the home building or home improvement realm. “One, plan and pick out absolutely as much as you can in advance,” commented Chicoine. “Everyone says building a house or doing a huge project is stressful on a relationship and sure it is. But, what helped us was having so much picked out ahead of time.  If you know what light fixtures you are going to have for example, or what paint colors you are going to use, there is less stress because you can purchase your products and have them ready to go when you need them. Two, learn as much as you need to about what you are going to be doing BEFORE you start it. Third, my advice is don’t take on more than what is realistic. Make a timetable as well. Fourth, most importantly, as with anything in life stay positive! You have to have an, ‘I can do anything’ attitude and when it doesn’t go quite right, don’t give up- just get help!”

   So whether it is a fence, a counter top, a new set of eve spouts, some landscaping, a new bathroom or shower, new flooring or even a new home, do not feel daunted by the task. Addison County is home to some of the top craftspeople in each trade in the state and you have are all the materials you need for the project. Pick up a hammer and some paint and begin. Make the plan become a reality as home ownership is more than just the place we hang our hat; it is a reflection of who we are and for most of us, the single most important investment we will ever make.

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