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Tuesday March 27, 2012 Edition
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Signs Of Spring Follow Warmer Temperatures

photo by Marcie Bolton

Tuesday March 27, 2012

By Marcie Bolton

   Spring is in the air and now is the time to open the windows and doors, let the fresh clear air breathe new life into our stale winter gray thoughts.  It is time to swat the cobwebs from the corners, wash the curtains and the bedding, and fold away woolens and heavy coats.  Screens and window panes will need to be scrubbed.  Purge old magazines and books that have been lying around with good intentions upon them.  Sweep the bunnies under the beds and the leaves in the driveway.  Take the flannel sheets off the beds and put on freshly washed, line-dried percales and then put a vase of daffodils next to your bedside so you smell them first thing when you wake in the morning.  Go to the garage and put air in the bike tires, tidy up the sleds and shovels, wash the windows on the garage door.  Try something you have not done in a while or something completely new; listen to a book on tape, read aloud a story to a loved one, make a new dinner, or craft an art project.  Sit in back yard and listen to the birds.  It is a great time to reconnect with family by hosting a get together.  Make it a potluck so everyone might contribute and share.   Simply said and simply done with a positive outlook, a good attitude and best intentions; spring is here. 


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