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Tuesday January 10, 2012 Edition
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Forecast for Zodiac Signs in 2012

Tuesday January 10, 2012

By Lydia Solini (

     Aries: ruled by Mars, you can expect a faster paced year that focuses on your work life and daily routines.  Mars will be continuing its long journey in Virgo until the end of June, which adds extra momentum to career/business opportunities that could consume your every waking moment for the next 6 months.  The best way to cope with this is to live by a schedule and to create balance in all areas of your life.  This will help you avoid fatigue and difficulties within close relationships.  Uranus also brings unusual opportunities during the first six months of this year, so put your energetic passionate abilities to work when something presents itself; now is the time to make changes and take risks.  Rewards are possible in July and most of August; stay on track with your goals and get advice when you are unsure.  Saturn will still be affecting your Sun until the beginning of October; continue to review your relationship needs as well as your long term goals.  By the end of the year Mars and Pluto in Capricorn may move you in an entirely new direction.  

  Taurus: ruled by Venus, and experiencing Jupiter in Taurus you may be rethinking your professional life from now until the end of June.  The desire to take practical action is supported over the next six months by Mars in Virgo, which ushers in great opportunities to make lucrative moves to further your ambitions.  These transits give you a greater sense of creativity and a productive edge that flows very smoothly with your nature.  Marriage, love and children are big possibilities from now until the end of June.  Avoid pushy communication with others from mid July to early August; it could impede your ability to get things accomplished.  Rewards will likely show up in September after the tremendous efforts you have exerted during the first six months of 2012.  From October on to the end of December your focus will come full circle and your personal life will be reviewed and highlighted.   

   Gemini: ruled by Mercury, can expect a very busy year!  For the first six months you will be reviewing, changing or reorganizing your home life and intimate relationships.  Mars in Virgo is giving you extra momentum and creating a need to deal with frustrations rather than trying to avoid them with “agreeing” tactics.  Travel will be highlighted during this time and could help de-stress your already overloaded life.  Neptune moves into Pisces in February and for the next four months you will be seeking some solitude.  Take some time out to consider your needs.  In mid June, Jupiter enters Gemini bringing opportunities to expand your horizons over the next six months.  If your efforts to change circumstances in the first six months of the year didn’t pan out to your satisfaction; you may consider relocating, changing jobs or ending a relationship over the last six months of 2012.  Overall, this year is about figuring out what you want and need and taking the right action to get it.   

    Cancer: ruled by the Moon, this is a great year for you to reach out and network!  You will have lots of constructive opportunities over the next six months to make this happen with Mars in Virgo and Jupiter in Taurus you will be getting the support you need to move in new social/business circles.  Now is the time to find your words, and exchange them with others. Writing, reviewing and communicating can really boost whatever goals you have been pursuing within your career.  You will feel very practically motivated during this time which could bring many possibilities into your life with greater financial results.  Uranus could break up the tedious, serious review that Saturn has been insisting on for the past eighteen months by offering you an irresistible opportunity to relocate from January to October.  Although you are thoughtful when faced with a choice, your natural instincts will play a valuable role this year.  And if something feels right jump on board; especially during the first ten months of the year. Decision making will be highlighted in September and in December.     

    Leo: ruled by the Sun, this is year to consider making some changes.  With Jupiter in Taurus for the first six months of the year; you may feel as though you need to do battle on a daily basis because it will be challenging to get the usual accolades and support from others that you need.  Essentially, this is a time of great awareness which could lead to transformation if you are willing to change your point of view or your philosophies when warranted.  This will set great things in motion.  Uranus is definitely a friend to you this year and if you move away from rigid behavior you may just have the time of your life.  Don’t let pride and ruts keep you from these possibilities.  From mid June on to the end of December Jupiter enters Gemini which compliments your social, engaging nature and offers opportunities to meet new people and to travel.  Mars enters Libra in July and August, and this creates opportunities for romance and risk taking; follow your intuition.

   Virgo: ruled by Mercury; there is no doubt that life has been a bit irritating since Mars entered Virgo in November of 2011 and will continue to its journey until the end of June.  It has accelerated some issues that you would normally avoid.  But in the process it is also offering a major opportunity to initiate action in any area of your life that you are unhappy with.  Too boot, you are also getting friendly support from Jupiter in Taurus which could reward you handsomely if you make the right choices and actions.  Fulfillment is the key and you need to start considering your life in a bolder, less security-driven way; realizing you will be supported financially if you are willing to do what truly resonates with you.  Breaking out of your comfort zone during the first six months of this year is your stepping stone into the next six months.  Your intellectual nature expands as Jupiter enters Gemini in mid June until the end of December.  This will be a great time for acknowledgement.  Pluto in Capricorn is also creating an attention-getting boost from those in authority during the last three months of the year!  

   Libra: ruled by Venus, will definitely feel that some doors have now closed and new opportunities are ready and waiting to appear in 2012.  Saturn in Libra has been a tough task master over the past year and a half, although it continues to conjunct your Sun until the beginning of October; the mood will considerably lighten.  You may have noticed that your behavior and beliefs have changed and Uranus in Aries will definitely have an impact on the movement and activity in your life over the next six months.  Uranus will reward you with opportunities as long as you are not doing things to get approval or please others.  Put your service driven nature into your work and avoid situations and people in your personal life that are challenging projects.  When Jupiter enters Gemini in mid June you will really feel excited and socially engaged until the end of the year.  For those of you beset by responsibilities in previous years the load should lift and putting more attention on your personal life will bring rewards; especially in romance.    

    Scorpio: ruled by Pluto, opportunities for a change in career; new job or new business are possible over the next six months.  The key to making this happen is to work with the energy of Mars in Virgo which is all about facts, details and getting things done.  If you stay away from taking things personally or getting distracted by emotion, the possibilities will be endless over the first six months of the year.  Jupiter in Taurus gives you a chance to see things from a different perspective for the first six months of the year; especially within your love/business partnerships.  Now is the time to be open to the concerns or opinions of those partnerships.  Voice your thoughts and feelings carefully from mid July to early August.  Pluto is in good aspect to your Sun now and this brings added rewards regarding recognition and respect during the entire year especially from January to end of March and then again in mid September to end of December.

    Sagittarius: ruled by Jupiter, will see the opportunity to expand your life in many different directions in 2012.  Although a bit annoying, Mars in Virgo is actually giving you the practical push you need to get to where you want to go.  This encompasses your professional ambitions as well as your personal life.  During this period you can meet some prominent people who can give you the support/advice you need to take you to the next level.  You will need to learn to work within structure this year, so purchase a journal/appointment/schedule book if you hope to accomplish those major goals.  As Jupiter enters Gemini rewards can come with a new circle of friends, travel, and romantic possibilities.  You may decide to make a major change that more closely resonates with your own ideals.  Uranus is also giving you a lucky energy boost which brings a sense of serendipity to events, situations and new connections all year.  November is an important month for you; action and communication will need to be considered carefully.

    Capricorn: ruled by Saturn, some of your nervous energy over the future should abate in 2012.  Pluto and Saturn will continue their push toward letting go and reviewing your life but things are less dire now.  Mars in Virgo is actually helping you feel more in control of your life and this is helping you take the necessary steps you need to move away from difficulties.  You can take action over the next six months without feeling thwarted or limited.  Uranus can bring some positive changes in your home life; you may realize now that issues with a partner need to be worked on or let go of.  You may also decide to downsize possessions or relocate.  If you are unattached, an unexpected meeting could produce a surprising outcome especially during the summer months.  From October to end of December you will suddenly feel a sense of freedom and new possibility with Saturn’s departure.   

    Aquarius: ruled by Uranus, this is a year of merging and making commitments as Mars in Virgo creates a powerful incentive for more stability within relationships over the next six months.  During this time deeper parts of your personality will see change and transformation.  With Neptune leaving Aquarius you will be wanting to put your ideals into practice this whole year.  With Jupiter in Taurus for the first six months of the year you will be willing to take risks and make changes regarding your daily life.  This is especially true if you have outgrown or are accepting something that has lost its meaning.  You may accept a new person, pet or renovate or relocate if you are not thriving during the first six months of this year.  Uranus is in harmony with your Sun now for the next ten months which highlights new friendships and group activities that will be more exciting and appealing to your quirky nature.  There will be opportunities to move in new directions and perhaps form an important partnership that is more akin to your nature.  Serious considerations will begin in the last three months of the year.

    Pisces: ruled by Neptune, with Mars in Virgo for the first six months of the year your normally docile nature will change especially within love/business partnerships.  Whatever you have not been saying, be it thoughts or feelings, Mars may make it impossible to hold them back any longer.  Consider all areas of your life now and make an effort to figure out what needs to be said and changed, do it when you are not upset.  This will help you avoid difficulties.  With Jupiter in Taurus you are being given many fine opportunities to expand in business and professional circles over the first six months of the year.  When Neptune enters Pisces in February you are in for a long transit that focuses on your spirituality and your need to find peace.  Revamp your life if it is creating too much stress or change your thinking about it.  Jupiter enters Gemini in mid June to the end of December this brings opportunity for engaging social, communicative and educational expansion.  Increased travel is highly likely during this time.    

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