2012 Time for Excitement Unpredictably and Financial Increase

By Lydia Solini (

The New Year offers opportunities for the United States to make a magnificent comeback especially within the financial sector.  This is a year to take impressive action regarding your dreams and plans and to invest in yourself, your community and our nation.  Greater financial increase is possible as projects and proposals sweep us along in a more positive direction.  Risks are more easily taken this year and fortunes are more easily made.  Get all the details before taking that leap of faith which will help create steady movement and a greater sense of the possible.

The appearance that things are better (even if only slightly) gives us the momentum and energy to persevere and therefore take the risks we need to make without overestimating our potential.  This year is a bit of a wild card, unpredictable but offering greater yields than last year.  Business should be better and money more easily generated.  Large scale, imaginative but controversial projects may be launched.  Banks will be more willing to lend.  And it is not a time to be skimpy on your dreams, plans or spending.  This is a time to bet big on yourself and your business.  Pay attention to details and work hard at whatever you are pursuing.  Get the advice of experts rather than winging it, if you don’t understand something; this ensures success.  The United States will fair better during this year financially.  

Even though marriage rates have been dropping over the past two years they will increase during 2012.  There will be more babies born and more new businesses started.  People will be interested in what makes them happy or passionate rather than pursuing things that don’t generate happiness.      

Everything we experience this year will have massive consequences; fortunes and disasters are all possible.  This is a year of surprises and violent acts of nature.  Tempers will flare all over the world and everyone will be feeling the need to revolt against constraints.  The United States would do well to stay out of political unrest in other countries and deal with its own issues.  

New inventions and innovations are likely during 2012 because this year is all about being clever and inventive.  Computer technology will make great strides forward.  Engineering and Architectural design focused on highly efficient and esthetic designs are featured.   

Those involved in the arts, especially theatre can look forward to a period of increased interest in cultural activities.  Cultural exchange students and travel are also highlighted.  
The field of Astronomy promises new discoveries.  

Mystic, metaphysical and occult interests increase, as we move away from conventional thinking.  
Politically, in a strong economy, large scale imaginative projects may be launched, while in a weak economy, there may be attempts to chance everything on some enormous undertaking in the hope of financial recovery.  As we move away from the conventional to the more unusual we can expect to succeed.
This is a year associated with risk.  Taking calculated risks gets us out of ruts.

Saturn is still transiting Libra and will be entering the sixth house of our nation’s natal chart.  This turns our focus towards the working man in our country.  All civil service workers, the police and the military are highlighted especially from January to April and then again from October to December.  During these seven months there will be a greater attention in creating jobs, the establishment of new businesses and on giving service. New strides in health care should be made during this period.    

When Saturn retrogrades from May to August we will be focusing on our skills and our values and we will be more willing to take risks; part of this is because Uranus in Aries is creating more of a push to act and be adventurous.  Our financial markets are freed up in 2012 so a steady increase this year is expected.  Creating balance in our outlook and politics should be our goal.  Our position in the world should continue to make serious gains and our reputation improves especially if policies are moderate.  

Jupiter remains direct in Taurus until June 11, 2012.  At this time Jupiter is in the twelfth house of the United States natal chart; during this time expanded knowledge of hidden problems within communities, institutions and governments may be found.  Justice will be wielded within all these sectors in an attempt to combat crime.  On June 12 to December 31, Jupiter enters Gemini.  And on July 18 Jupiter enters the first house of our Nation’s natal chart where it will reside until well past 2013.  It will be important for our Nation to avoid conflicts and extreme commitments during this cycle especially in foreign lands.  Attention should be paid to our own people who will elevate our financial and spiritual worth.

Uranus remains direct in Aries January 1 to July 12, 2012 and again on December 13 to 31, 2012.  Uranus will retrograde July 13 to December 12, 2012.  During its direct motion the emphasis will be on congressmen, state or national and city representatives.  Uranus’ nature is rebellion and as we have seen in the United States people are taking to the streets and rebelling against unfair circumstances.  During this time representatives will need to be willing to awaken to the needs of the people or their will be political upsets.  This is a great time of resourcefulness and originality.  A time of idealism and a time when we may all reconsider what we hope and wish for.  When Uranus retrogrades we may have difficulties making changes within government.
Pluto in Capricorn is directly opposing our natal Jupiter in Cancer giving us a better understanding of our relationship to money and what we truly value.  It also enlightens our understanding of obsessions.  Great strides may be made within the field of psychology as it relates to our intimate relationships.  Most of us will feel an urge to look more deeply at our lives.

The first six months will bring more stability and a greater sense of responsibility to business and governmental sectors.  Service oriented activities will be highlighted and may bring improvement in conditions and situations relating to health, medicine and education.  Great international adjustments are possible and solutions to problems will be sought and found.  When solutions can’t be arrived at peacefully, conflicts arise.

After our Nations birthday on July 4, patriotism will be on the upswing, agriculture receives attention; and there is greater quality in work and products and a possibility of some businesses returning to the United States for manufacturing.  Financial aspects are good except when there are conflicts with other countries (war).  The last six months are a more thoughtful time; conservation and ecological activities gain power, and there is a greater interest in nature and preserving its beauty.  Controversial issues come to the fore.  Travel industry and construction concerning water (tunnels, bridges, levees, etc.) will be prominent especially in the last six months of 2012.  

Mercury will Retrograde (go backwards) three times in the New Year.  This is not usually a cause for concern unless your natal Mercury is conjunct, squared, or opposing transiting Mercury.  The first Retrograde will happen March 12 to 23 when Mercury will retrograde in Aries; it continues to Retrograde into Pisces March 24 to April 3.  The second Retrograde will happen July 15 to August 7 when Mercury will retrograde in Leo.  The third Retrograde will happen November 6 to 13 when Mercury will retrograde in Sagittarius; it continues to Retrograde into Scorpio November 14 to 25.

Venus will Retrograde (go backwards) in Gemini on April 4 to August 7 this year.  During this Gemini retrograde all Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) will need to consider their relationship connections and their communication carefully to avoid problems.  

Mars will continue its transit in Virgo in 2012 eventually moving out on July 3.  It will retrograde in Virgo on January 24 to April 13.  At this time all the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) will need an extra bit of caution due to the length of this fiery transit.  From July 4 to December 31 Mars transits Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius in direct motion.  As with all transits of Mars it is a time when we want to take action, make decisions and take risks; do so cautiously when Mars is transiting your Sun or Moon.

Jupiter continues its transit in Taurus in 2012 eventually moving out on June 11, during this time Jupiter remains direct.  The larger emphasis during this cycle is on all the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) with the greatest benefits coming from an enlarged viewpoint and a willingness to make changes that relate more closely to your inner beliefs.  Fixed signs will feel the need to reach out to others.  On June 12 Jupiter enters Gemini staying direct until October 3.  Jupiter retrogrades in Gemini on October 4 to December 31.  During this time the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) will need to expand their view of relationships and avoid continuing to acquiesce to the needs and wants of others while forgetting their own.

Saturn continues in Libra until October 6.  It will be retrograding from February 7 to June 24.  At this time all the Cardinal Sun signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) will be reacting to their responsibilities and commitments.  Take your needs seriously so others can, too.  On October 7 to December 31, 2012 Saturn enters Scorpio.  At this time all the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) will be concerned with reviewing their lives.   

Uranus is transiting Aries and continues well beyond 2012.  It will be retrograding from July 13 to December 12 while in Aries.  This transit may help all the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) because it brings possibility and movement which is something Cardinal signs enjoy and helps lessen the weight of Saturn.

Neptune continues in Aquarius until February 3 and moves into Pisces where it will remain well beyond 2012.  It will be retrograding in Pisces from June 4 to November 10.  

As we move forward into the New Year it is my hope that you will feel optimistic, directed and confident to pursue your goals and extend a hand to those who are less fortunate.  Wishing you a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year!

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