Local Youth Excel At Gymnastics Meet

Ida Mae Danforth, Cambria Wyckoff and Katie Berthiaume pause to celebrate their accomplishments after a state meet qualifier.
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Ida Mae Danforth, Cambria Wyckoff and Katie Berthiaume pause to celebrate their accomplishments after a state meet qualifier.

When most Americans think of sports that require a great deal of dedication and effort, football, baseball, track and field and hockey are often the first words to leave our lips. Missing from that list, among others is the highly competitive and complex world of the sport of gymnastics. Requiring long hours of practice, intense physical training and performances on several different apparatus and events, gymnastics is a growing sport in Vermont and in Addison County. In addition to the established high school programs, local gymnastic clubs and teams compete for positions at the Vermont State Meet in March. Recently, local youth Ida Mae Danforth, Cambria Wyckoff and Katie Berthiaume were very successful in the sectional # 1 meet at Regal, which is a qualifier for the Vermont State Meet. Cambria won the uneven parallel bars and the All Around competition for her age group ( 11-12 a.) These girls train in Winooski and attend three hour practices at least three-five times a week. The Valley Voice salutes these young women and all those boys and girls around the state who devote themselves to the sport of gymnastics.


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