Forecast for Zodiac Signs in 2011

By Lydia Solini (

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    Aries: ruled by Mars, can expect an active year which appeals to your natural need to make things happen.  Your personal life will take center stage this year; even though you are naturally concerned with work and achievement.  It is time to start enjoying life and to make more time for loved ones.  This is especially prominent at the beginning of the New Year with Mars in Capricorn for the first three weeks in January.  In February Venus enters Capricorn joining Pluto, as Jupiter makes it’s presence felt in Aries guiding you to nurture yourself and the people you care about most.  Mars enters Aries in April staying until mid May offering a great time to travel, make decisions, be expansive and to experience plenty of opportunities.  Slow down in August to mid September; the more you push the more static things become.

   Taurus: ruled by Venus, offers a year of great creativity and revamping your ideas about what you want and need.  Decisions need to be made from mid January into the first three weeks of February; make some changes in the way you are working; get a handle on some new form of business you may have been avoiding.  Mid May thru the first three weeks in June brings great opportunity as Mercury, Venus and Mars enter Taurus and are joined by Jupiter in June; it is time to communicate what you value; and look at finances; risks now are favored especially in love; it is time to look for a partner who has the same goals and ideas about life as you do.  If you are in a serious relationship you may want to take it to the next level.  Check the price or the small print when acquiring something in mid September to end of October to avoid costly mistakes.

   Gemini: ruled by Mercury, can welcome a more stable year as Jupiter and Uranus move out of Pisces which has been squaring your Sun sign creating opportunity but also havoc and uncertainty for a long time.  This is a great year for working your way up the ladder within your career and asking for more responsibility and/or a higher position.  Those in authority will be supportive and more likely see your potential.  From mid June to the end of July it is at time of great activity and it will be important to consider what you want before committing to something; since Neptune will now be squaring your Sun in Pisces it may be difficult to get out of commitments once made.  Overtime and/or short trips for business will increase in November and December; which bring a feeling of excitement and exhaustion at the same time; so pace yourself.  

  Cancer: ruled by the Moon, will experience great changes in all areas of your life and thinking.  You are under the influence of Jupiter in Aries from February to the end of May which will bring many opportunities to learn something new while Saturn in Libra continues to bring a sober understanding of your circumstances.  Uranus moves into Aries in April and with it brings a momentum that can have you feeling as though you need to move, change a job or end a relationship.  Personal issues will be pressing from August to three weeks into September with Mars transiting your Sun sign in Cancer; the key to success is to explore your inner feelings before reaching conclusions; seek tangible results.

    Leo: ruled by the Sun, brings a year of great clarity and accolades for whatever you put your attention to.  Mars enters Aquarius in mid January and exits in the last week of February and brings the possiblity of rewards and a chance to make a change with the support of Jupiter in Aries in February; take a risk; ask for help or for something you want; now is the time to get it.  You will feel tremendous insight and will be ready to face all kinds of challenges in May and June with Neptune now in Pisces you will be feeling the urge to pick up the pace in all your activities.  Socially this is a wonderful time to connect with friends and family.  Be careful with plans and actions from mid September to beginning of November; think through ideas and get the feedback of trusted friends and professionals before implementing anything.

    Virgo: ruled by Mercury, will feel liberated this year as Uranus and Jupiter leave Pisces in March.  This helps to stem the ebb and flow of last year’s energy and promises more of a chance for a stable life.  Wonderful opportunities to make decisions and changes begin as Mars enters Pisces the last week of February and continues until the end of March.  Focus on what you truly desire in April (as Neptune enters Pisces it begins a more thoughtful period) because this will set the tone in mid June and July when demands increase.  The key to happiness this year is to give some attention to your personal wants and needs and you will realize just how important this is in November and December when your personal life becomes much more of a focal point.

    Libra: ruled by Venus, may feel that many aspects of your life still need your attention but there is definitely more of an ability this year to make the necessary changes to create the life you want.  February and March are intense months as Venus joins Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter enters Aries and Saturn already conjuncting your Sun sign make their presence felt.  Now is the time to work through personal issues; a good time to start therapy or to assert yourself; avoid approval seeking and choose what really feels right for you.  Uranus enters the mix in May which steps up the pace; balance is the key to making the right choices.  Plans may need to be redirected as Mars enters Cancer in August and stays through to mid September; this is a time to let go of the unimportant and to avoid overdoing.

    Scorpio: ruled by Pluto, should experience a lighter year; filled with more possiblities and less doubt and difficulty.  If you are willing to be a bit more progressive and open your ability to make choices and take action will be unobstructed from mid January to almost the end of March.  You will also get a boost of energy as Neptune moves out of Aquarius and into Pisces in April; you intuition will be less plagued by worries and more objective in this year.  From mid May to almost the end of June opportunities and rewards are likely as Mercury, Mars and Venus enter Taurus; open communication and the willingness to get the input of others help you make positive moves that bring results. An unexpected prospect and/or financial gain is likely from June until the end of December.

    Sagittarius: ruled by Jupiter, unexpected opportunities could have you traveling more than usual this year.  You will become free of the energies of Jupiter and Uranus in March which have been squaring your Sun sign for quite some time; it brought expanding views but also unpredictable events and undependable people into your life. You will need to pay more attention to the details of life as Neptune moves into Pisces in May of this year; your involvement now can really save time and money later; get the facts and look into the character of others before making commitments or investments.  Expect life to speed up in July, November and December; finish what you start and make confident decisions; opportunities come with perseverance.

    Capricorn: ruled by Saturn, will still feel the weight of responsibility this year but the drive to figure out what will make you personally happy becomes the dominant force as you start to think more and more about your needs.  During the first three weeks of the New Year decisions need to be made but it may be difficult to get the momentum going.  There is a definite shift in April and May as Jupiter and Uranus enter Aries to square you Sun sign which creates demands within your work which may seem never ending and your home life may feel chaotic.  The pressure lessens in June.  Opportunities will be more abundant during the last seven months of this year if you have a firm grasp on what you personally need and are willing to put that first over career demands.  Cautious responses are necessary from August to almost the end of September; bide your time.

    Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, will feel a burst of energy as Mars enters Aquarius in mid January to three weeks into February; this is a time to stop thinking and get going.  Follow your hearts desire in March.  Slow moving Neptune will be entering Pisces in April after a long, long conjunction to your Sun sign you will finally feel more decisive and less worried about others.  May brings abundant opportunities as Mars and Venus enter Taurus and are joined in June by Jupiter to square your Sun giving you a desire for more direction and attention on your work and finances.  Rewards are likely from mid September to beginning of November; as your course becomes more steady and obstructions are less likely.

    Pisces: ruled by Neptune, will need to take charge of a situation in the last week of February until the end of March.  Uranus has be transiting your Sun sign for a long time; helping you create a diverse life over the past several years and bringing lots of change whether you liked it or not, in March this transit ends allowing for a bit more stability within all areas of your life.  Your intuition and creative imagination will soar as Neptune conjuncts your Sun sign in April but it could have your feeling distracted and forgetful.  Family matters will need your attention the last week of June all the way through the end of July; communication helps diffuse any confusion.  Opportunties come your way in November and December from actions back in March.                 


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