Porter Volunteers Honored

LtoR: Mary Baker, over 9000 hours, 
and Gen Baldwin, over 8000 hours;
Mary Cauchon, 
over 7500 hours
photo provided
LtoR: Mary Baker, over 9000 hours, and Gen Baldwin, over 8000 hours; Mary Cauchon, over 7500 hours
Irene Denis, over 5500 hours; Rebecca Huestis, over 4500 hours; Marion Werner, over 3500 hours; Rosie Kemp, over 3000 hours; LtoR: Bob Brooks, Janet Holden, Vivian Maheau, Mary LaRose, over 2000 hours; Fern Cloutier, over 1500 hours
photo provided
Irene Denis, over 5500 hours; Rebecca Huestis, over 4500 hours; Marion Werner, over 3500 hours; Rosie Kemp, over 3000 hours; LtoR: Bob Brooks, Janet Holden, Vivian Maheau, Mary LaRose, over 2000 hours; Fern Cloutier, over 1500 hours

The Valley Voice salutes the Porter Medical Volunteer staff for all their hard work and dedication!























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