Celebrating Commitment And Community: American Legion Post #14 Turns 90 And Honors Bob Jenkins With A Community Service Award

By Cookie Steponaitis

Among his many contributions to the community, Bob Jenkins has a total of over 40 years of service in the Fire Department and continues to lead by example.
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Among his many contributions to the community, Bob Jenkins has a total of over 40 years of service in the Fire Department and continues to lead by example.
Bob Jenkins receives the American Legion Post 14 Citizenship Award from Legion member John Mitchell.
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Bob Jenkins receives the American Legion Post 14 Citizenship Award from Legion member John Mitchell.

   Throughout American history the role and connection of the citizen and community commitment has been remarked about by presidents, leaders, soldiers, scholars and citizens alike. “The first requisite of a good citizen in this republic of ours is that he shall be able and willing to pull his own weight,” remarked Teddy Roosevelt and founding father and Philadelphia’s leading citizen Ben Franklin cautioned the new nation that, “ Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither.”

    It is safe to assume that both famous Americans would have been delighted to have been at the American Legion Post # 14 in Vergennes on March 11th, when the legion members gathered to celebrate the 90th anniversary of their post and to honor Bob Jenkins of Vergennes who is the recipient of the annual Legion Community Service Award. Bob was selected because of his selfless dedication to the community over a sustained period of time. Bob Jenkins’ service has impacted not only Vergennes, but Ferrisburgh and Bristol as well.

    A graduate of Vergennes Union High School, Jenkins married Mary Jane Yandow in 1966 and the couple moved to Ferrisburgh. He joined the Vergennes Volunteer Fire Department in 1959 following his father’s example to be involved with the town he called home. Jenkins openly praises the lessons he learned from late Chief Ralph Jackman, Deputy Chief Ray Davison and Bill Plankey. The knowledge and experience he gained at Vergennes Fire Department benefitted him when he later joined the Ferrisburgh Volunteer Fire Department (FVFD), became captain and was elected in 1970 as Chief, a position in which he served proudly for 17 years. Although retired as Chief he continues to serve as an active fire fighter for the FVFD as well as for other departments as needed.  Early in 2010 he delivered a personal and stirring eulogy at the funeral services for Chief Ralph Jackman and was seemingly everywhere that week, assisting with details and coordinating things between departments. Why? Very simply, because Bob Jenkins does for others and he cares.

    “I really like making a difference in peoples’ lives in an emergency….it really makes me feel good,” reflected Jenkins on his service not only to the fire departments, but to the town of Ferrisburgh as well. Asked by others to serve on the town select board, Jenkins again rose to the occasion and is well known around town for being the person to go to when you need something accomplished.  Bob’s community credits include being an instructor at several different levels of regional and state fire schools in New York and Canada. He has also has served as a first responder with the Vergennes Rescue Squad which recognized his service, making him an honorary member in 1988. Long time friend and fellow fire fighter Deputy-Chief Jim Larrow also echoed the public recognition of Jenkins by remarking, “Bob has given so much to his community. Forty plus years on the Ferrisburgh Fire Department, and before that a member of the Vergennes Fire Department and member of the Ferrisburgh Select board, the list goes on and on. But the thing that makes Bob Jenkins so special is the way he takes care of his family, friends, and neighbors. He is the first person to call or stop by if you or someone in your family is not feeling well, lost a loved one, or just need a couple extra hands to do something. And if you ask him a question he will not tell you what you want to here he is going to be honest with you. And I think that is so important.”

    It is no accident that the organization choosing Jenkins for its honor was in fact celebrating their 90th birthday that same evening. The American Legion is the largest organization in America serving the needs of veterans and Vergennes Post # 14 was chartered in 1920. Since its doors opened Post # 14 has been visible and active in community life with its sponsorship of Boy Scouts, high school scholarships, Boys State, baseball teams, and community endeavors ranging from building projects, charity donations for hospitals, and most recognizably the sponsorship and presentation of the largest parade in the state of Vermont on Memorial Day. Committed to those who serve in uniform and those who serve their community, the Legion joined together on March 11th to pay tribute to their heritage and to once again single out a community member whose life and service echoes the qualities that the American Legion holds dear; including community, country and commitment. Jenkins was joined at the birthday dinner and presentation by his wife and family and joined yet another brotherhood of those people who serve their communities, quietly, persistently and faithfully day in and day out for years. Commitment like that is reason alone to celebrate and the Valley Voice salutes Bob Jenkins, his family and the American Legion for all that they do to make the link daily between the principles of living in freedom and being a responsible citizen in a democracy.


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