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Tuesday December 29, 2009 Edition
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2010 A Time Of Cautionary Productivity

Tuesday December 29, 2009

By Lydia Solini (

   As Saturn entered Libra in November 2009; the United States entered a cycle of slow productivity that will last until the end of September 2012.  As a nation we will be testing and exploring our skills, our values and philosophies and our very being as a nation.  Saturn is the great teacher and when we figure out these issues we will gain confidence as well as direction.  Stock market gains will be slow but deliberate without the wildness of the last decade.  It will be important for the country and its citizens to avoid right wing politics because it will limit progress and steady gains.  Our position in the world should make serious gains as our reputation improves.  As a nation we will be driven to assess and clear out any areas that do not work or cause conflict.  It is a time of evaluation and candor as government deals with its direction, its allies, and its people.  Community, state and government will need the input of its people now; get involved, write your congressmen and senators, etc. when moved by an issue.  It is a time for Americans to outgrow the need to hand off responsibility to others (politicians, etc.) and to feel the empowerment of personally being a catalyst for change.  It is a time to have steady faith and resolve.  Personal responsibility and moderation help correct the consciousness of the nation.  With courage and stamina we will end 2010; fortified, certain, and financially better!   

    With transiting Saturn in Libra squaring our country’s natal Jupiter in Cancer in the second house our attitude towards material possession, money and assets will continue to be highlighted.  Money gains are slow in all sectors and the need for continued hard work and effort dominate this year; rewards will come later on.  Our personal relationships with others and our nation’s relationship with others countries within the world become more clearly defined as we elevate their importance.  American family values increase as we become more aware of the value of connection instead of monetary status.  Great strides in discovering the causes of childhood disease are possible.

    The desire for peace and the need for stress reduction will dominate our lives as we move through 2010.  During this cycle a greater appreciation for all forms of culture, traditional or modern, whether art, music, or literature can help us release stress.

    Pluto is slowly making its way into conservative Capricorn in the 8th house while it opposes our Venus in Cancer in the 2nd house.  During this cycle the debts and taxes of our nation are highlighted as well as all forms of payment; credit cards, insurance, etc.  It will be of key importance for the United States as well as its people to pay back debt.  Underlying motivations of nations who loan us revenue could have an effect on our future; serious resolve in paying debts off is important.  Although we will continue to search for stability; it comes from an honest effort to resolve issues rather than avoiding them.  Pluto brings with it a concern for group effort, cooperation, political mergers, and foreign alliance and treaties within Capricorns conservative, structured energy so transformation and renewal at this time is great.   

    Progressive Uranus and expansive Jupiter moves into pioneering Aries; June, July and August in the 11th house; great strides forward are possible as well as monetary gain in risky ventures.  Uranus and Jupiter opposing the 5th house of speculation can bring excitement to the stock market as commodities may suddenly rise.  Big business may also get a boost as the mood changes and people are ready to take more risk and expand.  During this cycle the United States will celebrate 234 years as a nation and we can expect a dramatic shift from the treadmill like drudgery we have been experiencing to a marked sense of possibility and opportunity.  Choices will need to be made; we will start to feel our old charisma surfacing as we move out of restraints and into an open door to an outside world of possibilities.  It is important to maintain a follow through attitude and finish what we start as a nation and also its people.  Suddenly we will become aware of our opportunities and we will all breathe easier.

    President Obama will continue to struggle with his popularity and his image since Mars in Leo is conjuncting Mercury, Sun, Uranus and Pluto in his natal 9th and 10th houses until June 6, 2010.  He has had to deal with so many problems that it is extremely difficult to satisfy the majority of the people at this point.  But his sense of serious responsibility in resolving those problems should not be overlooked.  If you can lend support over the first 6 month of the New Year it can add to his momentum and zeal to correct the myriad of issues he is dealing with on a day to day basis.  After his birthday August 4, 2010, he will enter into a year of greater stability, one in which foundations can be laid and built upon.  

    All peace loving nations will need to keep a sharp eye on warring, antagonistic countries around the world as political unrest and failing governments can become prey to conquest and wars.  Peace keeping organizations such as NATO and the United Nations will be instrumental in averting future confrontations.  Many events can occur this year that can be startling or unexpected (good or bad) around the world.  Conflict, devastation, international crises and political upheavals are possible.  Incidents occur suddenly, without warning but the signs are evident with tactical awareness.  Involving the world in dialogues, just as we recently did with the issue of global warming is the answer; as well as discerning what matters the most to our country.  Unfortunately, climate change will continue to have an effect on our planet.

    This is a year of invention, discovery, marketing and manufacturing.  With some daring insight into the needs of the population; companies can reap the benefits of staying ahead in the world of business.

    With Neptune transiting the 10th house chart of the United States, honor and integrity, status and credit power have been and will continue to be a challenge for us as a nation and its people.  But with effort and the focus of President Obama and his determination to regulate banks and the stock market; we will strive towards more honesty and transparency which will change current situations.  Continued personal focus will also help us move forward and beyond the limitations we are currently feeling.  

    Mercury will Retrograde (go backwards) five times in the New Year.  This is not usually a cause for concern unless your Mercury is conjunct, squared, or opposing transiting Mercury.  The first Retrograde will happen January 1 to 14 when Mercury will retrograde in Capricorn.  The second Retrograde will happen April 18 to May 10 when Mercury will retrograde in Taurus.  The third retrograde will happen August 20 to September 11 when Mercury will retrograde in Virgo.  The fourth retrograde occurs December 10 to 18 as Mercury moves into Capricorn.  The fifth retrograde occurs as Mercury moves into Sagittarius from December 19 to the 31.

     Venus will Retrograde (go backwards) October 8 into Scorpio until November 7.  It continues to retrograde into Libra from November 8 to 17.  During the Scorpio retrograde all fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) will need to deal with their ambitions carefully.  During the Libra retrograde all Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) will need to assess whether or not they are staying on track with their goals.

   Mars will be retrograding in Leo from January 1 to March 9 during this time all fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) will have to watch their reactions as stresses mount and difficulties resolving issues linger.  Use your strength of character to see you through; find time each day to restore peace of mind.  Mars goes direct in Leo from March 10 to June 6.  It moves into Virgo on June 7 to July 29, then into Libra from July 30 to September 14.  It moves into Scorpio September 15 to October 27, makes it way into Sagittarius October 28 to December 7 and ends our year in Capricorn.  As with all transits of Mars it is a time when we want to take action, make decisions and take risks; do so cautiously when Mars is transiting your Sun or Moon.

   As mentioned above Jupiter enters Pisces January 18 to June 5 and again on September 9 to December 31.  During this time Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) will need to understand their own needs better.  Communication is an important skill to master at this time.  Jupiter moves into Aries June 6 to September 8 during this time Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) can make great strides forward with any goals or projects begun during this time.  The key to success is to delegate work; instead of doing it all by yourself.  

    Saturn has moved into Libra and will continue progressing until April 7 and then again July 21 to the end of December.  During this cycle all Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) will need to slow down and decide what their future goals are and if anything needs to be examined and changed in their lives.  From April 8 to July 20 Saturn retrogrades into Virgo.  During this time all Mutable Sun signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) will be retracing their conversations, plans and desires.  Some issues that you thought were resolved may surface; so take a stand and let others know how you really feel.  
Uranus continues in Pisces until May 27 and then again on August 14 to the end of December.  During this cycle all Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) may feel the need to make abrupt changes or may find things suddenly changing.

            Neptune continues in Aquarius until the end of 2010.  It will be retrograding from May 31 to November 6.  Since Neptune is in extremely late degrees most fixed signs should not feel its effect.

    As we move forward into the New Year it is my hope that you will feel directed and confident to pursue your goals and extend a hand to those who are less fortunate.
Wishing you a healthy, happy, prosperous New Year!

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