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Packages From Home
photo by Mike Cameron |
Tuesday February 3, 2009
By Mike Cameron
On Thursday, January 29, 2009, the entire student body at Saint Mary’s Catholic Grammar School in Middlebury held an assembly to package the many donated items that military personnel serving overseas will be glad to receive. These shipping containers were filled to the brim with dozens of items, everything from toothpaste to batteries and many other useful everyday items .
This special “Care Package Project,” was organized and coordinated by 6th Grade teacher Michelle Eagan. Many of the items collected from the children at all grade levels will be sent to personnel serving in Afghanistan. “It’s part of Catholic School’s Week, a national theme celebrating service,” Eagan explained. Pictured above Kindergarten teacher Nikki Juvan helps students with their contributions. After bringing up their gifts by class, the students were asked why they were doing this project. Many raised their hands and a number of answers were given. “Because it will make the soldiers happy,” one student said. “We want to thank them for protecting us,” another explained. Another child said in a soft voice, “Because we love them.”
All military serving abroad appreciate being remembered by the students and teachers. our soldiers serving overseas are extremely grateful for the many efforts of the students, faculty, and loved ones at home. Students also included personal hand crafted cards and notes personally directed to the troops. Saint Mary’s will be delivering the package containers to the Freedom Fund based in Burlington for eventual shipment overseas.
Some of the students at Saint Mary’s know first hand about the experience of having a parent serving in the armed forces overseas. The enthusiasm for the project was evident and it promises to be a big hit with our soldiers.
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