Letter To The Editor

    Recently, driving into Middlebury on a cool Saturday morning, I noticed a group standing around the fountain waving peace signs. As I proceeded by I thought, “is that all there is to peace-waving a sign on saturday morning?” then going home to a warm house with a hearty lunch on the table? And that’s that until next Saturday!

    I thought-Don’t they know all people want peace. It’s a world wide quest and don’t they understand you can’t have peace in the world when there are empty bellies-little or no shelter and no hope. It won’t come about by standing on a curbside waving signal! That’s for sure!

    It is my belief, though simplistic, that peace starts right here in Vermont-in Middlebury-in Orwell-in Weybridge-in Shoreham, etc.etc. Instead of standing in the rain, snow, or the heat of summer and doing nothing about what your signs profess-don’t waste time! Peace starts in your hearts-right here as mentioned. Spend your Saturday mornings helping a friend or neighbor who maybe down on his or her luck. Contribute to feeding a family-there are many in our area who could use a little help be watchful and check in on an elderly neighbor-be there for someone in need and then see if the peace and joy you give others doesn’t multiply and spread to friends and strangers alike.

    Did you ever notice how polite drivers are in Middlebury about letting traffic out of side street or the intersection of 30 and 125? When one driver waits-creating a space for someone to get in line, it seems to promote others to do the same. This is how peace works. Do something good and people are inspired to reciprocate. It’s not just for people you know, but strangers, too. What have you go to lose? ! I’m sure, in turn, they will pass it on just like the kind drivers. Who knows how far your peace gesture will go-probably a lot further then standing on the street waving a paper sign! Wanting peace is a given, and living in the greatest country and society in the world is a good incentive and reason to promote peace by doing something for someone with needs, try it-it works and you will feel fulfilled and proud that you indeed promoted a little peace in this tired old world.

    There is so much need by so many people all over the world that there is no time to stand around not doing whatever one can do to help. So many have not even the basic necessities that we all take for granted each and every day-and in most cases not even a clean glass of water-let alone enough to eat or adequate shelter.

    So, for you who think standing on the curb with your peace signs are accomplishing anything-just stop and think about it! Do something! Peace starts right here at home-there is too much to do to just stand around! And, with a little effort you will leave this world a little more peaceful and a little better place than it is. You’ll see.  

Edwin C. James


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