Saint Mary’s Celebrates 10th Anniversary… Reopened in 1998, Catholic Elementary School Serves Families of Addison County For

By Mike Cameron

LtoR  Dr. Kevin Parizo Parish Music Director, Father William R. Beaudin Pastor of Saint Mary’s Parish, Monique Almquist Principal of Saint Mary’s School and Sally Foley who was instrumental in leading the effort to reopen the school in 1998 stand in front of their school in Middlebury.  Saint Mary’s is celebrating its 10th Anniversary and they invite everyone to their Annual Christmas Concert on December 14th at 2:30 p.m.  The popular concert will take on a special celebratory theme this year.
photo by Mike Cameron
LtoR Dr. Kevin Parizo Parish Music Director, Father William R. Beaudin Pastor of Saint Mary’s Parish, Monique Almquist Principal of Saint Mary’s School and Sally Foley who was instrumental in leading the effort to reopen the school in 1998 stand in front of their school in Middlebury. Saint Mary’s is celebrating its 10th Anniversary and they invite everyone to their Annual Christmas Concert on December 14th at 2:30 p.m. The popular concert will take on a special celebratory theme this year.

    To begin to understand what Saint Mary’s Catholic Elementary School means to its students, a quick browse of their web site will provide some convincing prose.

    Writing for their 6th grade graduating class, students at Saint Mary’s called the school, “spectacular.”  They went on to explain that they “had formed lasting relationships with others,” during their time there.  That the school, “provided a great education, demonstrated a respectful environment and allowed us to build relationships.”

They wrote about the “respect and compassion”, an atmosphere that is “joyous and friendly,” and “a pleasurable place to learn.”  In closing, the students expressed thanks that their “principal and pastor have set an excellent example of staying close to God.”

In closing, the 6th Grade graduating class explained that, “We will cherish our memories of St. Mary’s for the rest of our life,” the letter went on to say.  

    Four members of Saint Mary’s parish and school expressed some of their thoughts recently during an interview about the schools 10th anniversary and its reemergence as a respected and accomplished primary education institution here in Addison County. None of those in attendance were surprised at the level of communication skills and understanding that their students had reached and all were justifiably proud of what their school and the school community has been able to accomplish in the last decade.

    St. Mary’s Pastor, Father William R. Beaudin is a recent addition to that family and now because of his chosen vocation, he finds himself as the head of that family both spiritually and physically.  It is a task that Father Beaudin welcomes.  “Having an opportunity to work within the parish and the school itself gives me an interesting perspective to see how all the pieces fit in both the community and the school.”  “Middlebury has been very supportive of Saint Mary’s over the years since 1940. It has been that connection and a great love for the school within the greater Saint Mary’s Community that has allowed it to reopen and grow.” he explained. Throughout his career, Father Beaudin has had experience working in parishes that offer catholic educational opportunities.  “The school is part of the parish community.  It is a parish school” he explained.    

    School Principal Monique Almquist amplified Father Beaudin’s comments about the community connection and support even in a difficult and demanding economic environment.  “At a time when there is such a focus about the economy and that Saint  Mary’s has been able to survive and thrive is a testament to the community. It was born of the roots of what was here before and that we are reaching also for the future.  The sense of community and the love of learning, your peers and the sense of respect you have for them is a lost art in society these days.  It’s critical, in that through these things we will be able to change the future and that there is hope,” she explained.   

   The school is currently undergoing an intensive evaluation by NESC, New England Association of Schools and Colleges, and the process is going very well according to school officials.  It includes faculty and administration curriculum and other criteria.

   The accreditation from NESC will be an important achievement for the school once it is completed.  The accreditation notification is expected in March of 2009 and will be a cause for great celebration at Saint Mary’s.  The Middlebury school is one of 13 Catholic Elementary Schools in the state.  After operating for 30 years, Saint Mary’s closed in 1970 with declining enrollment and lack of religious faculty to staff the school being  two of the main contributing factors.

     Dr. Kevin Parizo was a student at the “old” Saint Mary’s school and shared some of his experiences with us about those days long ago.  Kevin who currently teaches music at Saint Mary’s and is also the Parish Music Director, chuckles when he remembers a recent skit that the Saint Mary’s students presented.  “One of the students took the part of me and reminded those in attendance about some of my antics as a student here.  I have no idea where they got their information but it was accurate!” He explained with a big laugh.  Kevin went on to explain that in December during the annual Saint Mary’s Christmas Concert to be celebrated in the church, on December 14th at 2:30 p.m., “this year will be even more celebratory with our 10th Anniversary.  We have invited back former students, faculty, pastors and everyone who has helped us grow.  So far the response has been excellent, it’s interesting to note that we now have a graduate of our school who is currently a sophomore in college,” he noted.  The Saint Mary’s Annual Concert has a large following because it is a sacred music concert focusing on the religious aspect of Christmas,” Dr. Parizo added.

    People of vision who can stay on target and on message are rare in this day and age.  Kevin, Monique and Father Beaudin are the exceptions as is Sally Foley.  Sally worked tirelessly for the reopening of Saint Mary’s School.  She is a gifted communicator who simply would not quit when she knew that her cause was right.  One of the main reasons that Saint Mary’s is open today is because Sally was able to convince the right people that it should be.  In the end her argument for reopening Saint Mary’s was persuasive and compelling and she is quick to credit the help from many others along the way. “We wanted to find out if the community support was there financially, and philosophically.  If the children realized what their commitment was to their community as a whole.  All you have to do is walk downtown and talk to any of the people at Project Independence, or even in the library, and these children have a special stamp. They have a respect, not only for themselves but for other people, they react well.  It’s remarkable, there is a different feeling. I work in the library and it’s interesting to note that these children understand that books are an integral part of our lives even more than computers.

    Our main objective in this school is ‘Integrity for Life’ and if we can teach this to these 4th, 5th and 6th, graders, perhaps we can keep them from repeating the same mistakes we have made as adults.

    The 10th Anniversary Celebration at Saint Mary’s continues.  School officials and members of the parish and the greater Middlebury community have much to celebrate and build on as Saint Mary’s Catholic Elementary School continues the more serious work of planning for the future.


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