Letters To The Editor

Voting For Obama And Symington

   This year I am voting for change, both in the country and in Vermont.  I am voting for Barack Obama, who embodies the kind of change which I am desperately seeking. Obama is intelligent, calm, focused, and visionary.  I think Vermonters will support Obama in huge numbers.

   I am also going to support Gaye Symington for Governor because I  believe she will be the perfect partner for Barack Obama.  Both  believe we can do a better job of providing access to health insurance, making a plan for our energy future, and tackling the   challenges brought about by the global financial crisis currently  
facing us.

   Vermonters who want change in our state can make that happen if we unite behind one candidate.  I believe that Gaye Symington is the candidate who has the best chance of replacing our current Governor.  Let’s make Obama and Symington a team this November.

Fran Putnam

Big Thank You!

   The Addison County Fair & Field Days directors would like to thank the volunteer groups from the “VUHS Community Service Learning Days” for their hard work on the stall project.  They were very energetic freshman and sophomore students along with their advisors that filled all of the stalls in the 4-H and County Barn and also leveled them.  Thank you for a job well done!


Addison County Fair & Field Directors

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