Addison County has a new World Champion: New Haven Equestrian and Her Horse Earn Two World Championships

By Cookie Steponaitis

photo provided

   When Hailey Perlee and her horse Howard left Vermont for the World Championships in Oklahoma, both were excited. Howard had never been transported that far and was a bit cantankerous and Hailey had never flown on an airplane. Put together, the ride out there seemed much more daunting for the pair than actually competing. Hailey commented that there was a lot of “arm squeezing and oh, my god moments when taking off and landing. I went out there to gain experience and to put Howard and myself in a new level of competition. We really wanted to win a ribbon of some kind.”

    While the two may have experienced trepidations about the trip, once they arrived at the competition, it was business as usual. On the first day of the event, Hailey and Howard entered their first competition which was Junior Exhibitor 13 and under Pleasure Saddle. In the ring the pair concentrated on their teamwork and the comments of their trainers stationed in different corners of the arena. When the results were called and they pair earned second in the nation, it was a sign of how the rest of the week was to go. With the jitters gone, Howard and Hailey set about showing the nation that Morgan Horses and their riders are a special combination.

      The second night brought the competition in the 13 and under Pleasure Driving Competition. Before class Howard was a bit out of sorts, kicking and rearing as he was warmed up by trainer Bonnie Sogoloff. “Once I got in,” Hailey remarked. “We just clicked. It seemed no time at all before we were round the ring and standing in position for the awards. When they announced us as the World Champions I was in shock. My mom was jumping up and down screaming and Howard just seemed to know he was special.” After being presented with blankets of roses and a huge trophy, Hailey and Howard found themselves the object of cameras and reporters wanting to talk to the thirteen year old equestrian. “I just wanted to get to a phone and call my dad,” remarked Hailey. “ When I got to the side of the ring I found my mom had already called him and about three other people back in Vermont. It was an unbelievable feeling”

    While that should be the end of this remarkable pair’s week, it is in fact only the beginning. The next evening was the championship of the 13 and under Pleasure Riding and Howard had already been in two classes. Usually a horse is entered into its specialty area and not any more. Hailey’s mom, Kelly Kimball- Perlee looked at it this way. Howard and Hailey had already exceeded all expectations and they had come all that way, so why not get the experience. No one could have predicted that for the second straight night the New Haven duo of Hailey and Howard would again lead the field and take a second World Championship. “There is a photo of me hugging Howard before I even left the ring, “commented Hailey that I really love. I was so proud of him and in the photographer captured the moment when we both were just so happy. My trainers had told me I had done a good job, but I really didn’t expect the second World Championship.”

    Hailey also rode a second horse Kenny that had made the trip with her and earned a reserve championship and a third place in the Park Harness division. While it seemed there was no horse she could not ride, the week at Worlds was truly hers and Howard’s.

   “He was not a favorite of the groom there,” Hailey shared. “He has a sweet tooth and I did indulge him a lot with treats. He did so well though to travel that distance and to shine in all of his appearances. I couldn’t have been more proud and Howard knew it.”

    To reach their goal of attending the World Championships, the Perlee family sold a lot of raffle tickets and had the help of many special friends. They would like to pass on their gratitude to Bonnie Sogoloff, Mike & Angie Dysketra, American Legion Post # 14, American Legion Post # 19, The Sons of the American Legion, Mike & Linda Sweeney, Nicholas & Susan Gulragani, and New Haven Green Store. While Howard and Hailey are back in Vermont and settling back into life’s fall patterns of school, soccer and riding, it isn’t hard to imagine that the future for both the equestrian and her special horse are  about to change. “I have a lot of school work to catch up on,” commented Hailey, when asked how this experience will change things for her. With the typical response of a thirteen year old who just loves horses and to ride, Hailey has yet to see what the win of two world championships at such a young age will open up for her.

    While Hailey and Howard continue on with life as usual all of us at the Valley Voice and in Addison County take this opportunity to salute their partnership, their unbelievable accomplishment of two World Championships and to thank them for showing the rest of America that which we in Addison County know all so well. We have a special bond between animals and people that can be measured with the best in the country.

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