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Tuesday June 17, 2008 Edition
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Middlebury 2008 Graduates

photo by Cheryl White Alexa Foster pictured with her proud parents
Lisa & David Foster. Alexa is headed to
Roger Williams College this fall. |
photo by Cheryl White Mallory Anderson Proud graduate from Middlebury Union High School |
photo by Cheryl White Kelsey Weidman and her mom Jean prepare to celebrate Kelsey’s Graduation from Middlebury Union High School. Kelsey will be attending the University of Vermont in the fall. |
photo by Cheryl White Liza Perrin will be attending UVM |
photo by Mike Cameron Grads share a light moment during 2008 MUHS graduation rehearsed at the Memorial Sports Center on Saturday June 14th, 2008. |
Tuesday June 17, 2008
Graduates pose for a picture on Saturday, June 14, 2008 during MUHS graduation ceremonies.
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