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2008: A Time To Solidfy Our Future
Tuesday January 1, 2008
By Kathleen Johnson
Once again a new year appears before us with its arms full of opportunities of all kinds. Of course, as with most things, not every gift is what we want, but most of the major aspects that are working through 2008 have plenty to offer. Capricorn is the sign that dominates the year with two major planets, Jupiter and Pluto, influencing it. Last year was one in which the potential rewards were great for beneficent Jupiter was promenading through its own sign of Sagittarius, but it proceeded in Capricorn on the 18th of December where it will reside throughout 2008. Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, which has been in Sagittarius for the last twelve years, makes a foray into Capricorn on January 26th, ducks back to Sagittarius on April 2nd and returns to Capricorn for the next twelve years or so on November 26th. All of this dancing back and forth will shake up the lives of Capricorns and Scorpios, so if either of those signs in prominent in your life, expect plenty to be happening. Capricorn is the last of the four cardinal signs and it rules the skeleton of the body, particularly the knees, and the mountains, the bones of the earth. It also rules structure and government in general, and in the chart of the United States of America, it rules our economy. Jupiter's passage can be helpful for it is the planet of prosperity, but the presence of Pluto is far different. Pluto is one of the karmic planets, the other being Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn. Pluto represents group karma, the kind that falls on whole nations rather than being content with turning an individual life upside down. Pluto will be in Capricorn for a long time, enough time to completely change everything about our world and when you think about the various predictions over the years for the first quarter of the 21st century, it definitely gives one pause. The great psychic Edgar Cayce said that Nebraska would become the new Pacific Coast during that time, He also said we would know massive changes were on the way to us when Japan broke apart and sank, sending off shock waves that would then travel quickly to the California coast, We know from the effects of the huge tsunami a few short years ago that such a cataclysms affect more than just the spot where they occur. And of course, 2012 comes 25 years after the Harmonic Convergence and is the end of the Aztec calendar. Well, after all of this cheerful news, aren't you just looking forward to the arrival of Pluto in 2008?
The New Year, as always, begins with the sun in Capricorn and Libra rising for that is always the rising sign at 12:01am on New Year's Day. This year, the moon is also in Libra, throwing considerable planetary emphasis on relationships of all kinds, and that extends itself to relationships between nations as well as people for when you consider the implications of this chart with that of the U.S., some facts become immediately obvious. One of them is that with the hard opposition between Mars, planet of war, and Pluto, one of the karmic planets of destiny, the possibility of a new war becomes a probability. Since Mars is currently in a retrograde cycle, appearing to move backwards through the zodiac, this war will be even less appealing than the last one was. When you add the plutonian influence, it will become ever cleared that this decision will definitely have a big hidden agenda. The sharp edges contained in this chart tend to attract more violence on a world-wide level than anyone wants to deal with and some of these actions are not limited to the borders of the nation involved, but affect us all. Even as I write this, the world is shaken by the brutal assassination of Benazir Bhutto, the opposition leader and spokeswoman for peace in Pakistan.
On a more positive note, the moon and Neptune work closely together, indicating some success in the war on hard drugs, and strong support of the arts, not just here in America, but around the world. Since both of these planets offer limited support to Mars, their influence may help break that cycle of violence and at least encourage people to stop and listen to the voice of reason. Before they let themselves be ruled by fear and anger. Another positive note is struck by the trine between the sun in Capricorn and Saturn in Virgo. This is also an aspect of discipline and the willingness to set up structure on both a personal and global level. If we heed that aspect, we may save ourselves a great deal of trouble.
Another piece of good news is that Venus, the lesser benefic, has no retrograde cycle in 2008 so once a rhythm of positive and loving energy is set up, it will continue with a minimum of effort on our part. Does that mean that we will all suddenly start loving each other? Probably not, but events will encourage us to at least work to get along and care about what the other person thinks in any given situation. Of course, the underlying message here is the old one that 'whatever the question, love is the answer.' Venus helps us see that, especially in May and August when it is transiting through its own signs of Taurus and Libra.
All the other planets, with the exception of the sun and moon which are known as heavenly bodies anyway, turn backward at least once during the course of the year. Mercury does so most often, with its first retrograde cycle beginning on January 28th, returning to direct motion on February 18th and remaining in Aquarius throughout the cycle. Its second turn is on May 26th in the sign of Gemini and it goes direct on June 19th, still in Gemini. The last one of the year begins on September 29th and comes back into direct motion on the15th of October. Its entire retrograde spin is in the sign of Libra. Mars was moving backward in Cancer as the year began, immediately sliding back into Gemini on the 2nd and returning to direct motion on January 30th. Jupiter remains in Capricorn all year with one retrograde cycle from May 9th through September 8th. Saturn was also plodding backward in Virgo as the year began, turning around on May 2nd. Uranus continues through Pisces, dancing backward on June 26th and turning back round on November 27th. Neptune is still in Aquarius with a retro cycle from May 26th through November 1st. Last, but far from least, Pluto goes through a whole series of acrobatics. It begins the year in Sagittarius, moves on into Capricorn on January 26th. It heads into backward motion on April 2nd, and retreats back into Sagittarius on June 13th. It then turns direct on September 8th and returns to Capricorn on November 26th, this time to stay for several years.
It is clear that there is plenty of action on a global and national level, but naturally, we are most interested in how it affects us as individuals. Just remember that part of our individual responsibility as dwellers on this planet is to do what we can to aid the evolution of each other and on the world in which we live.
ARIES, ruled by Mars, begins the year with that tough opposition that can bring old problems back to the foreground. This can get family relationships off to a rocky start that won't be clearly resolved until the end of January. Positive forces work with you during your month of April with the 22nd being an excellent day for new adventures. May and June make the future look bright, and you need to pay close attention to close relationships in August. The entrance of Mars into Sagittarius on November 16th opens a personally rewarding cycle that lasts almost thought he end of the year. By the way, 2009 looks like a great financial year.
TAURUS is ruled by Venus and its forward motion throughout the year promises a steady flow of energy in your life with especially good influences around your health. March is a fine month to get started with new projects and Venus comes home on April 30th for most of the month of May. This is a time to adjust plans that need work and to strengthen personal bonds. Both September and October are months of opportunity where your career is concerned, with September 23rd and October 18th being days to circle on your calendar. The year ends with Venus in Capricorn where it pushes you toward new ambitions.
GEMINI is the sign that always is the most uneven due to the three retrograde cycles of Mercury throughout the year that stop things short just as they get going and force you to retrace your steps, then go back over them one more time to make sure which is not always a bad thing. The cycle that runs from May 26th to June 18th in your own sign will cause the most turmoil, but when July arrives, you'll find that life moves more easily than expected. The one in late September and October interferes with relationships, so be prepared.
CANCER is ruled by the moon and so the new and full moons stir things up the most. New moons occur on January 8th, February 6th, March 7th, April 5th, May 5th, June3rd, and July 2nd.August is blessed with two new moons, the second of which is known as a 'blue moon', on the 1st and 30th. The other moons for the year fall on September 29th, October28th, November 27th and December 27th. The full moons in 2008 fall on January 22nd, February20th, March 21st, April 20th, May 19th, June 18th, July 18th, August 16th, September 15th, October 14th, November 13th, and December 12th. These moons are always significant for you.
LEO is known as the royal sign and is ruled by the sun, so the transit of the sun from sign to sign throughout the year is what makes the most change happen in your lives. The year, of course, begins with the sun in Capricorn, accenting health matters, and moves into Aquarius on the 20th where it energizes relationships. Other important transits include the entrance of the sun into Aries on March 20th where it supports long-term plans, your own sign from July 22nd to August 23rd and then entering Sagittarius on November 20th. Whenever the sun moves, essential personal energies change and you will feel that change happen at some level.
VIRGO, like Gemini, is ruled by Mercury and its haphazard behavior can sometimes drive you mad when you are trying to keep an orderly life. Its first retrograde cycle in 2008 from January 28th through February 18th urges you to look more closely at your health, while the one in May and June has the most effect on your career. The cycle that flows from mid-September through mid-October has the most influence over your income, so be alert for changes there. The biggest influence this year, however, is Saturn, whose restrictive influence affects you all year, You welcome its direct turn on May 2nd as it channels your creative energies for the rest of the year.
LIBRANS, like Taureans, are ruled by Venus, so you also reap the rewards of her direct motion throughout the year. May turns out to be an excellent month to finish up old projects with the 18th being one of the luckiest days of the month. When Venus glides into Gemini on May 24th for the next four weeks, it's time to travel or expand your horizons in some other way. You'll feel most secure when it is traversing your own sign from August 30th through September 23rd, which is the day the sun comes to visit, making both September and October really productive. The year ends with Venus in Aquarius where it smoothes the path to romance.
SCORPIO: Pluto is your ruler and it is making big noises this year as it steps in an out of Capricorn and Sagittarius and keeping your life up in the air in the process. I have listed those dates elsewhere in this article so will focus on what this means. Its first venture into Capricorn leads you to make new friends and get involved with new groups. Then, when it goes back into Sagittarius from late June to late November, you can review those opportunities and decide which ones you want to pursue, knowing that the choices you make now will be with you for many years to come. May 1st and December 28th are highly significant dates.
SAGITTARIANS enjoyed a year of high energy and potential rewards in 2007, and with Jupiter in your solar house of income all through 2008, this looks as if it could be an even better year as long as you keep your eyes firmly fixed on your goals and exert plenty of discipline. Jupiter has only one retrograde cycle, lasting from May 9th to September 8th, and during that times, it would be wise to watch your cashflow, particularly around the 4th of July and the whole first week of September. Both November and December are personally delightful.
CAPRICORN is the sign getting the heavy action so you can expect transformation to occur in your lives before all is said and done because that is the work that Pluto comes to do. It shifts in an out of your sign this year will be just enough to give you a taste of things to come and if you're ready to welcome change into your life, you'll be happy. Remember that you have plenty of support from your ruler, Saturn as it tromps through Virgo, another earth sign and one that gives you a push toward your highest ideals and plans. Both May and December promise to be just what you're looking for, so make good use of them.
AQUARIANS are still enjoying the presence of Neptune as it continues to add magic of one sort or another to their lives. The millennium began with Uranus, your ruler, and Neptune in your sign and Neptune remains while Uranus danced on into Pisces, ruled by Neptune and creating interesting celestial harmonies. Uranus has only one retrograde cycle, from June 26th to November 27th and during those months, you would do well to work more efficiently with your finances and your personal energies. Both February and March offer opportunities you've been seeking with March 8th being a particularly positive day.
PISCES has a remarkable year in store for not only is Saturn in your house of close relationships all year, demanding you take them more seriously, but this solid Capricorn action supports friendships both old and new. Neptune has its annual retrograde cycle from May 26th through November 1st, but it's gentle this year and doesn't really slow you down much as long as you keep a balance between your intuition and your intellect. March is your month to shine personally and April supports money, but November is a month when you're really able to spread the wings of your imagination and fly high.
There is no doubt that 2008 is a year of testing, particularly in the areas of money and our ability to follow the rules in life. Capricorn can have a heavy hand, but it also confers a real sense of structure on whatever it touches and that would not be a bad thing in our chaotic world. It's a year when it's important to keep focused on long-term goals and not just think about what works for today for the influences change rapidly and what works this week may well not work two weeks from now. Let's face it. All we can do is the best we can and try to be conscious of what other people are doing and try to cooperate for the good of all. That is the high road to take when a year like this is unrolling before us. Be willing to reach for your destiny with confidence, knowing that this is the year it can come to you.
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