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Valley Vitals
Born to: Lindsey Hope & Christopher Leno of Leicester, VT, on June 22, a boy, Christopher John Leno. Born to: Lisa & Mathew Deering of Shoreham, VT, on June 26, a boy, William David Deering. Born to: Melody Tocker & Jeffrey Trump of Vergennes, VT, on June 27, a boy, Jackson Robert Trump. Born to: Samantha LaPlant & Travis LaFountain of Bridport, VT, on June 27, a boy, John Wilfred LaFountain. Born to: April & Bernard Jordon of Ticonderoga, NY, on June 28, a girl, Melanie Edell Jordon.
Obituaries 7-10-07
| Patricia Miller (68); Mark A. Rose (56)
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