It's in the Stars
It's in the Stars week of May 24By Lydia Solini (
ARIES (MAR20-APR19): Consider actualities in business on Tuesday and Wednesday. Give thought to your priorities over the next three days; insightful ideas may surface which guide your action filled steps. While the pace slows on Sunday and Monday; take time networking with confidants. Possibilities are all around you for new starts on Tuesday; do what is necessary to make things happen. TAURUS (APR20-MAY20): Tuesday and Wednesday offer a great time to make deals and money; show others your foresight in all situations. Be willing to change with the times over the next three days; lots of unexpected opportunity will present itself. Loved ones figure prominently on Sunday and Monday; take time out to enjoy your relationships; it will refresh you. Put your passion into everything you do on Tuesday; it will really enhance all areas of your life.
GEMINI (MAY21-JUN20): Realistic issues are on the table on Tuesday and Wednesday; you need a plan. Friendships are highlighted over the next three days; you need a unique perspective to calm your worries. Lots of demands from all sides could have you feeling a bit overwhelmed on Sunday and Monday; hang in there but work on paring down the list. Tuesday offers the energy you need to feel on track; take charge many achievements are possible.
CANCER (JUN21-JUL21): Opportunities come your way on Tuesday and Wednesday; check the specifics and the numbers. Engage in networking events over the next three days; even a meeting of like minded individuals will give you push you need; be receptive to new ideas. Trust your inner feelings on Sunday and Monday; this is great time for guidance. The pace on Tuesday quickens and could have you feeling a bit frazzled to keep up; periodic time outs and delegating will help.
LEO (JUL22-AUG22): Have a plan and make it practical on Tuesday and Wednesday; structure is best. Opportunities may come your way over the next three days; your connections are highlighted as others jump on board; don’t be afraid to ask for help. You may feel a bit drained on Sunday and Monday; others needs may overshadow your own; consider their merit before acquiescing. You will feel recharged on Tuesday; this is a great time to surge ahead; your optimism helps get others moving, too!
VIRGO (AUG23-SEP22): Take action and ask for what you want on Tuesday and Wednesday; you could be pleasantly surprised with the results! Teamwork in a genial atmosphere is best over the next three days; insightful ideas may blossom with a receptive approach to others. Positive results are likely on Sunday and Monday; as many good works come back to you in the form of rewards. Keep reactions to a minimum and avoid critiquing others on Tuesday; optimistic communication is favored.
LIBRA (SEP23-OCT22): Focus on business on Tuesday and Wednesday; network and market your ideas to important others. Move off the beaten path when it comes to your thinking and associations over the next three days; it will bring prospects you never expected! Take time for yourself and your personal life on Sunday and Monday; social activities and conversations are just the thing you need to revamp your attitude. Your hard work and effort may bring rewards on Tuesday; ask for what you want!
SCORPIO (OCT23-NOV21): Your occupation and creating a monetary flow are highlighted on Tuesday and Wednesday. Others may need a detailed conversation with you to get on board with your ideas/plans over the next three days. Your psychic radar is able to tune into the feelings of others on Sunday and Monday; help those in need but set boundaries. Take charge and take action as chances for desires to be met present themselves on Tuesday.
SAGITTARIUS (NOV22-DEC21): Stick to practical matters and take your self and your pursuits seriously on Tuesday and Wednesday; others will too! Chances are offered to make changes on your terms over the next three days; free up your time; put priorities in order and reach out to friends. Challenges are possible on Sunday and Monday; pressing matters need your attention; don’t avoid responsibilities. Take your motivating personality to the next level on Tuesday; sell your ideas others will join in.
CAPRICORN (DEC22-JAN19): Your ability to cut through pomp and get the job done is highlighted on Tuesday and Wednesday. Move away from conventional thinking when it comes to your problems over the next three days; an inventive approach may solve a myriad of issues. Sunday and Monday offer a chance to get creative with projects; consider things from all angles; answers may just fall into your lap. Work smart instead of harder on Tuesday.
AQUARIUS (JAN20-FEB19): Your way of doing things is decidedly different than others on Tuesday and Wednesday; stick it out. The next three days are wonderfully geared to fulfilling your needs and enhancing your connections with important others; enjoy yourself! Tune into your spiritual side on Sunday and Monday; hang with sensitive others; ponder what you want. Things happen out of the blue on Tuesday; good fortune smiles; take risks.
PISCES (FEB20-MAR19): Many progressive possibilities are on the horizon on Tuesday and Wednesday. Finish what you start over the next three days; your unusual approach will have others rallying to help you! Many different people and situations need your attention on Sunday and Monday; take time figuring out what you need to do and then tackle each situation methodically. Don’t allow others to push your buttons on Tuesday.