It's in the Stars
It's In The Stars week of December 21By Lydia Solini (
ARIES (MAR20-APR19): Pay close attention to the details and your expenditures on Tuesday; understanding the bottom line is essential. Consider ideas and plans from different angles over the next two days; feedback and brainstorming sessions are favored and produce results. Family matters may weigh heavily on Friday and Saturday; do what you can to smooth hurts and concerns of others. Sunday to Tuesday feel more hopeful and your natural sunny disposition returns; enjoy. TAURUS (APR20-MAY20): The world stops spinning on Tuesday; as routines and common sense concerns prevail. Put your desires into words but make sure they cover all the contingencies over the next two days; this will keep you from backtracking it all later. Socializing on Friday and Saturday is a great way to feel loved and supported and to relax. Try something new on Monday and Tuesday; you may be amazed at the possibilities that surface.
GEMINI (MAY21-JUN20): Take care of your finances and realistic needs before committing to someone else’s on Tuesday. Reach out to others over the next two days; many concerns and worries could be framing your outlook; every problem has a solution. Consider your feelings important on Friday and Saturday and avoid ignoring them as the needs of others can overwhelm you if you don’t. Sunday to Tuesday are uplifting days that really get you ready and willing to engage; your optimism can fuel results.
CANCER (JUN21-JUL21): Deals can be made on Tuesday; what are you seeking? When you know; go for it! Put a logical spin on anything you are engaged in over the next two days; if you can’t wait to proceed; don’t miss the fine print. Your emotions may be in overdrive on Friday and Saturday; tune in but don’t react; it may drive others away. You ability to dive in and understand someone else’s feelings is highlighted Sunday to Tuesday; put your talents to work but don’t do it for them.
LEO (JUL22-AUG22): Stick to your plans, a realistic approach nets results on Tuesday. Make time for important others over the next two days; friends clue you in to some juicy details and you get out of your ruts! Stay in touch with your intuition on Friday and Saturday; it may be guiding you to make some changes; reflect but don’t act. Zero in on what needs to be done on Monday and Tuesday; now is the time to follow your heart and get moving! Have fun!
VIRGO (AUG23-SEP22): Expect gains in all you are interested in on Tuesday; this is a great time for profit making. The demands of others keep you hopping over the next two days; be clear and don’t leave your needs out of the equation. Put work aside on Friday and Saturday; your personal life is calling and the possibilities of romance appear; get out and enjoy! Follow your hunches Sunday to Tuesday; ideas flow; as does conversation; offering insight on something that has been lingering a bit too long in your life.
LIBRA (SEP23-OCT22): Inventiveness is the foundation on which to build on Tuesday; put your wisdom into a blueprint for altering your every day activities. Connect with friends over the next two days; any uncertainty you are feeling can be cleared up with an important other. Issues that are long standing may come up on Friday and Saturday; this would be a great time to sort through them; make a decision and move on. Your creative, demonstrative side is highlighted Sunday to Tuesday; add your ideas to the mix.
SCORPIO (OCT23-NOV21): Opportunities come your way on Tuesday; now is the time to go after what you want. The next two days can seem a bit fragmented and following through with tasks can seem arduous; hang in there by listening to others; share your feelings and wait. Your psychic ability is highlighted and you should honor your feelings on Friday and Saturday; loved ones may be in need of your support. Go with the flow, if possible, Sunday to Tuesday; these are productive days to get things done.
SAGITTARIUS (NOV22-DEC21): If you take care of the practical concerns quickly on Tuesday; you will be able to pursue fun stuff. The next two days bring rewards; new understandings helps you move forward; opportunities for important connection making are also available. Emotions ride high on Friday and Saturday; now is the time to share your feelings with someone new; let your vision and thoughts out. Lots of possibilities dot your landscape from Sunday to Tuesday; let your enthusiasm show.
CAPRICORN (DEC22-JAN19): Make changes on Tuesday when business and monetary opportunities surface. Don’t hold back over the next two days; you need to let others in on your plans and thoughts; you will be acknowledged. Rewards are stellar in your personal life as relationships and the home is emphasized; be forthcoming with the overtures of others. Take risks and let your creative flair flow Sunday to Tuesday.
AQUARIUS (JAN20-FEB19): A shrewd approach is best on Tuesday; deal with the details and delegate when you can. Variety is the name of the game over the next two days; let your self flow with the current; do all kinds of things; networking is great now. Tune it down a notch or two on Friday and Saturday; let the needs of partner and family take over and chill. The possibilities are endless on Monday and Tuesday; dig in and have fun; you are in charge.
PISCES (FEB20-MAR19): Take the lead on the job on Tuesday; you are in a good position to get what you want. Try to find a way to delegate disagreeable jobs over the next two days; do what you can and let it go. Potent dreams or understandings may direct you to making conclusions on Friday and Saturday; follow your hunches. Raise the bar for yourself and your expectations on Monday and Tuesday; expecting more will actually help you get it.