It's in the Stars
It's In The Stars week of August 11By Lydia Solini (
ARIES (MAR20-APR19: A family member may need your compassion and positive attitude on Tuesday and Wednesday. Special confidants have a supportive effect over the next two days; find a channel for your passionate nature. Get others to join in with detail work and organization Saturday to Monday. Rewards are possible when dealing with others on Tuesday; ask for what you want; collaborative efforts are crucial to getting the job done. TAURUS (APR20-MAY20): Follow your intuition on Tuesday and Wednesday; you can put together great business deals or receive a return on past dealings. Show others your ability for leadership over the next two days; communicate your ideas so that others can appreciate your goals. Business prospects look good Saturday to Monday; focus on the outcome in all you do. Highlight your creative abilities on Tuesday; be resourceful when you hit snags; seek fun in the evening.
GEMINI (MAY21-JUN20): Consider your monetary situation on Tuesday and Wednesday; a financial advisor may be able to help you invest/save. Consider making some social changes over the next two days; do confidants meet your needs if not branch out; chances to connect with new people are all around you. A discerning approach will help you get answers to important questions Saturday to Monday; move out of your comfort zone! Tuesday brings a calm tone seek out some fun/relaxing time to refresh.
CANCER (JUN21-JUL21): Your sensitivities will be highlighted on Tuesday and Wednesday; be discriminating with your time and money. Your ardent nature is in need of connection so make it a point to gather friends together over the next two days. Focus on past efforts Saturday to Monday; tie up loose ends; finish what you started and monetary possibilities are plentiful. Confidants offer support on Tuesday; and help you de-stress when the day is done!
LEO (JUL22-AUG22): The needs of others are paramount on Tuesday and Wednesday; be there to offer your help and love. Consider your real wishes over the next two days; with a little bit of effort you can turn things around which opens up the possibilities; take action! Tackle mounting problems Saturday to Monday; make a list of priorities and deal with everything and everyone efficiently; results could be stellar. Put your love and attention on those that deserve it on Tuesday.
VIRGO (AUG23-SEP22): Tuesday and Wednesday give you a chance to take a break; a short getaway will net rewards. Original intelligence is highlighted over the next two days; put detail work on the back burner and focus on enthusiastic advances within your career. Saturday to Monday gives you the chance to take care of your health and diet needs and to focus on all details efficiently. Joint activities are favored on Tuesday; share your thoughts it could bring success.
LIBRA (SEP23-OCT22): Work demands may feel a bit over the top on Tuesday and Wednesday; give your attention and honest evaluation to others. Your mood should lift considerably over the next two days; if you are self assertive and independent; when in a quandary go within for answers. A realistic, fact filled countenance Saturday to Monday will net clarity and big surprises. Stability in the middle of obligation is the key to making Tuesday triumphant.
SCORPIO (OCT23-NOV21): Your psychic radar is on high alert on Tuesday and Wednesday; do what feels right and be objective. Take a conservative approach in all your dealings over the next two days; introspection will keep you on target. Many possibilities for harmony and finishing objectives are likely Saturday to Monday; get others on board with a discussion. Your love life is highlighted on Tuesday; engage in fun, relaxing activities and share your feelings with those you care for.
SAGITTARIUS (NOV22-DEC21): The emotions of others are highlighted on Tuesday and Wednesday; listen; help and find some alone time for yourself. Confidants spark your excitement over the next two days; ideas and enthusiasm surge naturally and everyone gains something. Your career is highlighted Saturday to Monday; be efficient in all you do and deal with problems directly. Travels with important others are highlighted on Tuesday; new approaches are possible.
CAPRICORN (DEC22-JAN19): Tuesday and Wednesday promises rewards; with a little effort you could move mountains. Clashes are possible if you are too restrictive in your outlook over the next two days; allow others to share their point of view. Monetary opportunities are likely Saturday to Monday; now is the time to benefit from past hard work and effort. Relationships of all kinds are highlighted on Tuesday; do your best to collaborate with others.
AQUARIUS (JAN20-FEB19): Others may seek out your wisdom on Tuesday and Wednesday; share your point of view; it may clarify others objectives. Your casual nature invites others to be themselves and this pays off over the next two days; expect returns and remain focused on your own goals. Make positive choices Saturday to Monday; focus on a healthy diet and extra sleep it will do much to refresh you. Your close contacts are highlighted on Tuesday; socialize.
PISCES (FEB20-MAR19): Follow your hunches on Tuesday and Wednesday; if you feel strongly about something; do not ignore it. Set your intention on things that ignite your passion over the next two days; this may instantly get you on the right track. Rewards are likely Saturday to Monday use your natural adaptability and sensitivity to determine what is right for you. Take care of your obligations on Tuesday; and make time for fun when you finish!