It's in the Stars
It's In The Stars week of April 21By Lydia Solini (
ARIES (MAR20-APR19): Make time for your personal life on Tuesday; good friends brighten your day; idea sessions add fun. The challenge over the next two days is to slow your pace and carefully consider situations before taking action. Reflection revs up Friday and Saturday; with possibilities for great advancement; monitor results and stay tuned to your vision; conversations help. Sunday and Monday favor practical matters; timing and efficiency are a must. Network on Tuesday; prospects are all around you. TAURUS (APR20-MAY20): Avoid force of any kind on Tuesday; and be sure to listen to relevant information. Friendships are highlighted over the next two days: make it a point to reach out. Your feelings may be slightly reactive on Friday and Saturday; accept that others have diverse needs and desires than you and then cooperate. Financial matters are favored on Sunday and Monday; seek out security driven ventures. Focus on curiosity and analytical thinking on Tuesday; this gives you the edge to resolve issues.
GEMINI (MAY21-JUN20): Focus on making your ideas a reality on Tuesday; conversations inspire you and offer support. Use your resourceful nature on the job over the next two days; consider your talents and let others in on what you can and want to do. Let go of the past on Friday and Saturday; put things in motion and start moving forward. The pace slows and duty calls on Sunday and Monday; be diplomatic even if vexed. Your brain may be working overtime on Tuesday; avoid stirring the pot.
CANCER (JUN21-JUL21): Possibilities are all around you on Tuesday; be open to the potential and be willing to make changes. Special relationships are highlighted over the next two days; share your affections and support. Friday and Saturday are a busy time to make things happen; go with flow; take charge and don’t second guess your hunches. Loyalty and caring for others is accentuated on Sunday and Monday; hear others out their realistic ideas help. Logic is the best way to get the most out everything on Tuesday.
LEO (JUL22-AUG22): Tuesday is likely to offer rewards for your diligence; group activities are highlighted. Situations with important others can be a bit murky over the next two days; take it all in; clouds lift down soon. Your affectionate joyful character benefits you on Friday and Saturday; assert yourself; others will see your potential. Close others are favored on Sunday and Monday; similar ideas and intuition bring you closer to others. Tuesday brings more social possibilities and lots of physical motion.
VIRGO (AUG23-SEP22): Seek out lively conversation and fun on Tuesday; you may change your outlook. Rewards are likely over the next two days; be of service to others and be open to receiving their gratitude. Consider your wants and needs carefully on Friday and Saturday; with this as your center you can make some constructive decisions. Monetary worries may get resolved on Sunday and Monday; if you feel deserving and ask for what you want. Discussions may be challenging on Tuesday.
LIBRA (SEP23-OCT22): Your busy brain could use some time away from demands on Tuesday; seek out changes in scenery with pals. Don’t mull over issues too intently over the next two days; others can’t give you the answers you seek either; wait. Prospects and answers are forthcoming on Friday and Saturday; a change in your feelings or thoughts helps your progress. Relax and get some TLC from loved ones on Sunday and Monday. Reflective musings help you wrap up something on Tuesday.
SCORPIO (OCT23-NOV21): Consider all plans and actions carefully on Tuesday; you are ready to make some changes; care helps you avoid errors. Reflection gives you the time you need to steady your feelings and allow your instincts to take over. This helps you feel organized for Friday and Saturday’s demanding pace; conclusions are possible as you feel driven to progress in all areas. Sunday and Monday bring possible financial rewards for work well done. Tuesday has a roller-coaster quality to it; set your priorities.
SAGITTARIUS (NOV22-DEC21): Things happen out of the blue on Tuesday; make necessary changes. Unplanned situations may offer you possibilities over the next two days; follow your hunches. Reach out to others with enthusiasm on Friday and Saturday; your willingness to speculate gets you what you want. Kick back and enjoy creature comforts and the support of important others on Sunday and Monday. You may feel as though fortune has smiled upon you on Tuesday; receive it!
CAPRICORN (DEC22-JAN19): Step outside of conventional norms on Tuesday; forget about approval seeking. Tune into your creativity over the next two days; the sky is as limited as your thinking. Your impulses may propel you along on Friday and Saturday; avoid pushing others too, unless they express a desire to go with you. Your shrewd personality is in full power on Sunday and Monday; this supports you when making the correct economic/practical decision. Conversations on Tuesday will help all situations. AQUARIUS (JAN20-FEB19): Share your impressions with important others on Tuesday; their feedback helps. Follow your gut feelings over the next two days; this slow moving cycle gives you a chance to get in touch with your needs/wants. Reaching out to others gets you the right attention on Friday and Saturday. Let your cool nature take over on Sunday and Monday; avoid confrontations or the need to prove a point; calm wins out. Take charge on Tuesday; travel may lead to unanticipated opportunity. PISCES (FEB20-MAR19): Do things your own way by following your intuition on Tuesday. Find a way to let go of responsibilities and obligations over the next two days; and pamper your self. Whatever you need to change or renovate gets just the right push on Friday and Saturday; put your time and money into making any inhabitant warm and wonderful. Romance is highlighted on Sunday and Monday; be open and inventive. Family and friends may test your fortitude on Tuesday; be honest.