It's in the Stars
It's In The Stars week of September 16By Lydia Solini (
ARIES (MAR20-APR19): Decisions are highlighted Tuesday to Thursday; avoid emotional responses; situations may be pushing your buttons. Positive developments are possible over the next two days; follow your hunches and take risks when appropriate. Get all the facts before handing over a task to others Sunday to Tuesday; paying attention to the details now can save you time and money later on. TAURUS (APR20-MAY20): Use your intuition for financial gain Tuesday to Thursday; new business opportunities are highlighted. Your own brand of determination can have you locking horns with another persistent person over the next two days; choose your battles carefully. Opportunities for realistic achievement present themselves Sunday to Tuesday.
GEMINI (MAY21-JUN20): Emotional reactions may prompt unwise decisions Tuesday to Thursday; take a few deep breaths before reaching for your wallet; retail therapy won’t help. The mood lightens considerably over the next two days; social activities offer an unexpected meeting. A person or situation may have you vacillating over what to do Sunday to Tuesday; seek advice.
CANCER (JUN21-JUL21): Anything you are discontent with Tuesday toThursday; may become overly magnetized; focus on solutions. Surround yourself with supportive others and get going over the next two days; a positive attitude gets the job done and opens the door to possibilities. Things fall into place Sunday to Tuesday; tangible concerns need to be addressed.
LEO (JUL22-AUG22): Loved ones need your attention and support on Tuesday to Thursday; suggest others make compromises when facing differing views. Your intentions and passion skyrocket over the next two days; take charge but let everyone’s thoughts be considered. Detail work calls for organization Sunday to Tuesday; set priorities; enlist help.
VIRGO (AUG23-SEP22): Weigh your needs with those of others before making agreements Tuesday to Thursday. Your naturally over booked life can keep you from choosing fun but the next two days offer opportunities for socializing and catching up with important others. Reflection Sunday to Tuesday; helps you address your need to make changes; now it the time to go for it! LIBRA (SEP23-OCT22): Long standing issues may surface Tuesday to Thursday; this is the time to express your real concerns to an important other. The next two days are fabulous for taking charge and acting on creative endeavors that produce tangible results. A career opportunity may come from an unlikely source Sunday to Tuesday; make it a point to openly share what you are seeking.
SCORPIO (OCT23-NOV21): A parent or older family member may need your attention Tuesday to Thursday; communication may be an important ingredient now, so share your insights. Let others know how you are feeling over the next two days; this may help you get the support you need which can make a difference. Poignant insights about a job situation are possible Sunday to Tuesday; share your conclusions with those who can make a difference.
SAGITTARIUS (NOV22-DEC21): Someone from the past may resurface Tuesday to Thursday; is this welcome; if not an aloof approach is best. You are entering a romantic period over the next two days; keep your personal wishes in the forefront so they can manifest. Sunday to Tuesday may be challenging days at best; the answers you are seeking from a situation or others may be confusing or dishonest; wait to respond.
CAPRICORN (DEC22-JAN19): Your ambition is very strong Tuesday to Thursday; ask for what you need at work. Avoid rigid tactics over the next two days; a clash is possible with an important other; take time to think things through before acting. Situations resolve themselves Sunday to Tuesday; allowing more lucrative possibilities open up and progress can be made.
AQUARIUS (JAN20-FEB19): Get in touch with your feelings Tuesday to Thursday; disparity is possible; seek out like minded others. Rewards are possible over the next two days; share your objectives with others; take direct action and positive results are likely. Business particulars may be annoying Sunday to Tuesday; but things dealt with now help you avoid problems later.
PISCES (FEB20-MAR19): Siblings may play a dominant role on Tuesday; take it all in and follow your intuition. Focus on your relationships with important others over the next two days; your love life is highlighted; get out and have some magic moments. Connections with like minded others bring possible rewards Sunday to Tuesday; if you are seeking any type of lead; ex: job; etc; now is the time to ask.