It's in the Stars
It's In The Stars week of April 8By Lydia Solini (
ARIES (MAR20-APR19): Tuesday to Thursday offers a chance for speculative risks; weigh the odds and jump in. Your work becomes spotlighted over the next two days; patience and long discussions may be due. Sunday and Monday give you a chance to enjoy yourself and connect with those close to you; take a time out. Partnerships are highlighted on Tuesday; work for amicable outcomes. TAURUS (APR20-MAY20): Someone you work with can be a handful Tuesday to Thursday; go with the flow. The next two days offer the possibility of success in your business endeavors. Romantic pursuits figure prominently on Sunday and Monday; communication is of utmost importance though; make sure everything is clear before proceeding. Rewarding opportunities come your way on Tuesday for past hard work and effort.
GEMINI (MAY21-JUN20): Optimism surges Tuesday to Thursday; keep your focus on what you really want to bring about in your life. The next two days will bring your attention to your home and personal life; take action now in these areas. Novel opportunities to channel new information into new venues may appear on Sunday and Monday. Keep the momentum going on Tuesday; but avoid ego conflicts with others over what they are doing.
CANCER (JUN21-JUL21): Creative ventures and following your hunches pay off on Tuesday to Thursday. Business increase is possible with practical pursuits and networking over the next two days; communicate and connect with others this brings opportunity. Sunday and Monday puts the focus on a special relationship; let out your feelings. Use your intuition on Tuesday; prospects are there so take a risk.
LEO (JUL22-AUG22): Finances become highlighted Tuesday to Thursday; focus on what you value in yourself and others. Your perceptions about love and life have really changed and it is time to revamp your life a little to reflect this change; do this over the next two days. Family figures prominently on Sunday and Monday; social engagements lift the mood. Share your deep desires with others on Tuesday even if their response isn’t supportive.
VIRGO (AUG23-SEP22): Watch your words Tuesday to Thursday; critiquing could quickly turn to criticism; analyze your situation. This prepares you for the next two days which may be challenging at best; the need to take action dominates your normally docile nature but conflicting conditions make decision making faulty. Sunday and Monday give you some time to unwind; and plan a strategy. Tuesday is a great day to put your plans in motion.
LIBRA (SEP23-OCT22): Tuesday to Thursday brings a greater perspective which puts you in touch with your hopes and wishes again. Think big! Connections with others can seem a little dour over the next two days; try to talk things through. Keep your ambitions in the forefront on Sunday and Monday; these days are filled with drive, gusto and others who share your enthusiasm. Tuesday will require attention to detail.
SCORPIO (OCT23-NOV21): Work demands may be stressful Tuesday to Thursday; hang in there and pay close attention to details within communication and contracts now. The next two days are more flowing and situations move smoothly and insight is sharpened. Sunday and Monday gives you time to create a plan for yourself; changes are difficult for you to make but right now they are necessary. Tuesday offers a chance for great accomplishment.
SAGITTARIUS (NOV22-DEC21): Tuesday to Thursday initiates a more optimistic cycle; which can spotlight your talent. Focus your energies on what you want and then stick to it over the next two days; this is especially important since you feel ready to make decisions and take action. Agreements play a big role on Sunday and Monday; socially and professionally; communication is the key. Tuesday can be a challenging day with ornery people.
CAPRICORN (DEC22-JAN19): Pursue completion Tuesday to Thursday; correct situations that are less then pleasant now. Keep your intentions in view because the next two days offer great opportunities to make changes and to experience accomplishment. Sunday and Monday bring major demands which can have you feeling a bit exhausted but try to find some time for yourself; mini breaks refresh. Tuesday’s flow helps you to maintain a positive outlook. AQUARIUS (JAN20-FEB19): Rewards come your way Tuesday to Thursday; but discussions with important others are necessary now; keep in mind that you have been making some internal changes now and others need to be in the loop. Take action, over the next two days; that is directed at putting your talents towards financial gain. Sunday and Monday offers a chance to get away and connect with others; take it. You will need to summon your patience on Tuesday as you feel challenged by others.
PISCES (FEB20-MAR19): Tuesday to Thursday illuminates an intention and brings you closer to getting what you want. Rewards over the next two days may be mixed as you feel pushed into action; many conflicting situations arise that demand attention now but clarity may be lacking; wait. Sunday and Monday offer a much needed break as you could use some rest and relaxation. Tuesday may offer a chance to get away; take it; it may help relieve some of the stress.