It's in the Stars
It's in the Stars for the week of July 16th, 2013By Lydia Solini (
ARIES (MAR20-APR19): You may need to lend your support to emotional others on Tuesday. Your optimism is at an all time high, Wednesday and Thursday; you are ready to act on your expansive ideas! Saturday to Monday brings a strong sense of responsibility; you may be feeling emotional about many situations in your life right now. Tuesday will be great for discussions, forward thinking and remembering your hopes and goals.
TAURUS (APR20-MAY20): Tuesday may move slower than even you like, but progress can still be made. Social events offer a pleasant diversion Wednesday and Thursday; take a much needed break. Focus on future goals Saturday to Monday; expansive business ideas are likely. Opportunities present themselves in strange ways; on Tuesday; to make the most of them you need to get out of ruts!
GEMINI (MAY21-JUN20): An industrious and constructive attitude works best on Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday; can be a mixed bag, there are opportunities for reward but there may be some conflict that also needs to be resolved in the process; keep thoughts to yourself. Try to communicate with important partners Saturday to Monday; financial matters may need to be corrected to make everyone happy. Tuesday should be harmonious; get out and have fun.
CANCER (JUN21-JUL21): Follow your hunches and expand your view of life’s possibilities on Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday is a prime time for putting your goals into action; you will feel directed and energized. You may be a little sensitive Saturday to Monday; the comments of others may seem too blunt for your tastes; but don’t immediately dismiss everything that is said. Expect the unexpected on Tuesday; be open to opportunity even they unfold differently then you anticipated.
LEO (JUL22-AUG22): Tuesday may be challenging as you try to assert yourself in some tricky situations; pick your battles carefully! Wednesday and Thursday offer a chance to put your idealistic nature out there so get involved with projects that support your needs and talents. Saturday to Monday may move too slowly for your tastes; focus on practical matters. Tuesday is a rewarding day so ask for what you want and be particularly open to using intuition as hunches pay off.
VIRGO (AUG23-SEP22): Tuesday is a high energy day; decisions and action taking are favored. Many things may be irritating; Wednesday and Thursday; but hang in there, you need to be more definitive with others or you will never get what you really want. With a little contemplation Saturday to Monday you will feel lots of clarity; don’t take your work with you; focus on what you want. Get out of stuffy routines on Tuesday and you will benefit from unusual opportunities.
LIBRA (SEP23-OCT22): Take the lead on Tuesday; keep your desires in the forefront in all your endeavors. Social events may be on your mind and romance is likely to be a part of this equation on Wednesday and Thursday; if single get out and mingle, it involved get out together. Saturday to Monday may be filled with tasks and concern over the future; direction is the key now. Tuesday offers a respite and an opportunity to reach out to someone who has answers.
SCORPIO (OCT23-NOV21): Tuesday brings up lots of emotion; confusion about what you really want may be the problem. An expansive point of view is the answer on Wednesday and Thursday; you need to take a new direction, let others know about it. Saturday to Monday is a great time for putting your priorities in order; have discussions with people you respect. Tuesday moves fast; try to take it all in and don’t make important decisions.
SAGITTARIUS (NOV22-DEC21): Situations on Tuesday may dredge up the past; stay centered on desired outcomes. You are in socializing mood on Wednesday and Thursday; your jovial nature is at an all time high; take risks and reach out; others find your humor engaging. Practical realities surface Saturday to Monday; do what needs to be done. Expect to be out and about on Tuesday; unexpected meetings with like minded people add to an already great mood.
CAPRICORN (DEC22-JAN19): Tuesday puts you back on track so be authoritative. Others may be slacking off on Wednesday and Thursday; while you are feeling the pressure to get the job done; try to participate in some of the festivities. Saturday to Monday offers a chance to complete what you start; you are energized and excited by the possibilities. Tuesday brings an surprising insight about an existing situation.
AQUARIUS (JAN20-FEB19): Tuesday may be a difficult day if you don’t express yourself well enough to be understood. Lots of activity and networking dominate Wednesday and Thursday; decisions made now are positive. You may find yourself dealing with someone else’s need to address practical concerns Saturday to Monday. Make necessary changes on Tuesday and follow your bliss.
PISCES (FEB20-MAR19): You will be recharged and ready to get your work done on Tuesday; so let go of stuck thinking and let your intuition guide you. Wednesday and Thursday may be complex days as many demands seem to be tugging at you now; avoid hasty reactions or decisions. Saturday to Monday offers a chance to catch up with friends expect social activities to dominate. Consider about what you want on Tuesday use your intuition and innovative thinking.