It's in the Stars
It's in the Stars for the week of November 20th, 2012By Lydia Solini (
ARIES (MAR20-APR19): Maintain the status quo Tuesday thru Thursday; take this time to reflect and connect to your inner needs and goals. The next two days are all about affirmative action and smart decision making; take charge, move on and don’t look back. Although you are persistent you are often lacking in consistency; Sunday thru Tuesday are great days to show others you mean business; hang in there and you will reap rewards.
TAURUS (APR20-MAY20): Love blooms Tuesday thru Thursday; put all your effort into creating the type of relationship you need. Focus your attention on tangible projects and collaborative efforts over the next two days; you will be amazed at the energy that is generated from this activity. You are in all your practical glory Sunday thru Tuesday; which gives you the edge on big business deals or new partnerships.
GEMINI (MAY21-JUN20): Avoid debates Tuesday thru Thursday; focus on what the real issues are and allow your emotions to be a part of your reflection. With a better idea of what you need to work on to get what you want you will be able to manifest in many areas over the next two days; assert yourself! Socializing is possible Sunday thru Tuesday; consider a realistic goal as the same time; it is not about using people but connecting life’s dots; ponder if these activities have meaning.
CANCER (JUN21-JUL21): Follow your hunches Tuesday thru Thursday; your psychic abilities are extremely in tune with those around you now; whatever you desire will be taken seriously by all. Sensitivity is your hallmark and over the next two days; you may feel maxed out; avoid gruff or pushy people and situations and you should be fine. Your need for love and fun are accentuated Sunday thru Tuesday; an important other or very close friends help fulfill you.
LEO (JUL22-AUG22): Pay close attention to details Tuesday thru Thursday; consider your communications carefully as well; much can be accomplished even though this is a time that lacks excitement. Get up and sing, or present yourself with all your gusto in whatever area you have wanted to tackle over the next two days; you will be noticed. Take on financial concerns, investments do well Sunday thru Tuesday; put your talent into whatever you enjoy and it should net returns.
VIRGO (AUG23-SEP22): Rewards are likely Tuesday thru Thursday; be flexible and allow your inner inventiveness to surface as you also permit the input of others. Listen carefully and diplomatically explain any objections to hot headed others over the next two days and you will make it through with flying colors! Your ability to organize or see the greater objective is enhanced Sunday thru Tuesday; now is a great time to express yourself to higher ups and to receive accolades.
LIBRA (SEP23-OCT22): Use your creativity Tuesday thru Thursday; modify projects and brainstorm with others; this can help you create a plan for yourself and your team. Rewards are likely over the next two days; if you speak up and are forthcoming about what you want especially when asked a direct question. Opportunities come your way Sunday thru Tuesday; use your natural sense of design or harmony within work situations or within your living environment for greater tranquility.
SCORPIO (OCT23-NOV21): Seek peaceful solutions Tuesday thru Thursday; your emotional core is really sensitive right now and you could lack objectivity; hold off on decision making. Allow your enthusiasm and energy to be a part of any endeavor over the next two days; if this is impossible to muster, chose something that you are passionate about. Sunday thru Tuesday are productive days that bring returns on your investments so put your time and energy into manifesting.
SAGITTARIUS (NOV22-DEC21): Investigate a situation Tuesday thru Thursday; using communication and intuition; something needs to be understood before moving on. Inspire others and in the process you will feel inspired yourself over the next two days; tackle and pursue anything that needs your marvelous energy. You may want to play hokey from all responsibilities Sunday thru Tuesday; take a little time off here and there and it will refresh you.
CAPRICORN (DEC22-JAN19): Partnerships are highlighted Tuesday thru Thursday; you may be in need of some TLC right now; don’t let your pride keep you from reaching out. Obstacles may seem to continuously be surfacing over the next two days; perhaps you are too concerned about making mistakes or being a little inflexible about change; consider, and move on. Much can be accomplished Sunday thru Tuesday; as your practical nature and the stars come together in perfect unison!
AQUARIUS (JAN20-FEB19): Go with the flow Tuesday thru Thursday; you may feel as though you are in a fog, right now; it is the universe’s way of asking you to slow down and get to a heart centered space before proceeding. The energy of the next two days are all about putting your ambitions into a tangible framework for your next move; surround yourself with supportive confidants. Consider your battles carefully Sunday thru Tuesday; avoid engaging in idealistic conversations with pessimistic people.
PISCES (FEB20-MAR19): Check details with important others Tuesday thru Thursday; or you could find yourself going to the wrong meeting spot or responding to the wrong question! The next two days may feel like gale forced winds and the feeling that change is in the air emerges; you have been ready for a while to make one great change; create a plan to do it. Sunday thru Tuesday highlight your love life; either cultivate an existing relationship or seek someone new; fine dining and entertainment are also favored.