It's in the Stars
It's in the Stars for the week of October 9th, 2012By Lydia Solini (
ARIES (MAR20-APR19): Friendships or social engagements take center stage Tuesday thru Thursday; this is also a good period to take risks; weigh the odds and jump in. Your career becomes highlighted over the next two day; patience and long discussions may be due. Sunday and Monday will give you a chance to enjoy yourself and connect with those close to you; take a time out. Partnerships are highlighted on Tuesday; work for amicable outcomes.
TAURUS (APR20-MAY20): Tuesday and Thursday awakens your need for autonomy; go with the flow and avoid bull-headedness. The next two days offer the possibility of success in your business endeavors. Romantic pursuits figure prominently on Sunday and Monday. Rewarding opportunities through business come your way on Tuesday as hard work and effort pay off.
GEMINI (MAY21-JUN20): Put your undivided attention on your love relationship Tuesday thru Thursday; teaming up helps get the job done! The next two days offer opportunities to deal with home and family as your personal life heats up and Mars presses you to take action. Sunday and Monday are good days to focus on communication and channeling information into new venues. Keep the momentum going on Tuesday; but avoid ego conflicts with others over what they are doing.
CANCER (JUN21-JUL21): Generous gestures will get you everywhere Tuesday thru Thursday; and positive feedback enhances your creativity. The next two days favor communication and connecting with others; this can do much to increase your business. Sunday and Monday puts the focus on a special relationship; let out your feelings. Use your intuition on Tuesday; opportunities are there so take a risk.
LEO (JUL22-AUG22): Take a serious look at activities or goals Tuesday thru Thursday; revamp if necessary. Your perceptions about love and life may need a face lift over the next two days; although hanging onto relationships is important to you it may be time to make a change. Family figures prominently on Sunday and Monday; social engagements lift your mood. Share your desires with others on Tuesday even if their response is disappointing.
VIRGO (AUG23-SEP22): Create structure within your work and gather coworkers together and express your expectations Tuesday thru Thursday. This will prepare you for the next two days which can be quite challenging as the need to take action dominates but conflicting conditions make decisions faulty. Sunday and Monday gives you time to unwind; and connect with confidants. Set plans and strategies in motion on Tuesday; higher ups assist.
LIBRA (SEP23-OCT22): Focus on enjoyment on Tuesday thru Thursday which will enhance your perspective and put you in touch with your hopes and wishes again. Think big! Connections with others can seem a little dour over the next two days as you try to talk things through. Keep your ambitions for yourself in the forefront on Sunday and Monday which promises to be filled with gusto and enthusiasm. Tuesday will require attention to detail; ask others to proof read or check your figures.
SCORPIO (OCT23-NOV21): Your actions will be supported Tuesday thru Thursday; but work demands may be stressful; hang in there! The next two days require a sharp focus on the details within your communication and written contracts. Sunday to Monday gives you time to create a plan for yourself; changes are difficult for you to make but right now they are necessary. Tuesday offers a chance for great accomplishment.
SAGITTARIUS (NOV22-DEC21): Crank up the music, chill the wine and have a fun time Tuesday thru Thursday; as a more optimistic cycle begins. Focus on what you want and then stick to it; this is especially important over the next two days; as Mars forces decisions and action. Contacts play a big role on Sunday and Monday; socially and professionally; communication is the key. Tuesday may be a challenging day with ornery people.
CAPRICORN (DEC22-JAN19): Be willing to experiment Tuesday thru Thursday; surprises come your way; pursue completion in all things. Venus is compelling you to correct situations that are less then perfect over the next two days; keep your intentions in the forefront as great changes can be made. Sunday and Monday’s demands may exhaust you but try to find some time for yourself; periodically. Tuesday may be a harmonious day if you maintain a positive outlook.
AQUARIUS (JAN20-FEB19): The main theme Tuesday thru Thursday is: Are you where you want to be Aquarius? If not, work hard to change it. Keep in mind that you have been making some internal changes now; make it a point to keep others in the loop over the next two days. Sunday and Monday offers a chance to get away and connect with important others; go for it. You will need to summon your patience on Tuesday; others may be a challenging mix deal with.
PISCES (FEB20-MAR19): Let someone else take the lead Tuesday thru Thursday; hang back and be there when called upon. Rewards over the next two days may be mixed as you feel pushed into action; many conflicting situations arise that demand your attention now. Sunday and Monday offers a much needed break so take some time out for some TLC. Tuesday maybe filled with lots of short trips or errands which helps relieve some of the stress.