It's in the Stars
It's in the Stars for the week of October 2nd, 2012By Lydia Solini (
ARIES (MAR20-APR19): Tuesday and Wednesday brings every opportunity to get the job done. Rethink what you are wanting as well as how you have been pursuing things over the next three days; reflection now brings positive momentum later. Take a breather from responsibilities on Sunday and Monday; pay attention to details and expect the unexpected. Friendships or social engagements take center stage on Tuesday.
TAURUS (APR20-MAY20): You are at full power on Tuesday and Wednesday; listen carefully and make deliberate moves. Communicate your desires to important others over the next three days; say it now or you may be going back over what you meant in the next few weeks. Creativity is highly favored Sunday and Monday; whether you are trying to match drapes to you space or dealing with difficult people you will do it with aplomb. Tuesday awakens your need for autonomy.
GEMINI (MAY21-JUN20): Stick to your plans and follow through with commitments on Tuesday and Wednesday. Slow down and take your time before promising or reacting to offers over the next three days; compare and review to be sure you are moving in the right direction. Tap into past connections on Sunday and Monday; opportunities may come from someone you know. Put your undivided attention on your love relationship on Tuesday; teaming up helps get the job done!
CANCER (JUN21-JUL21): Ah! A breather comes on Tuesday and Wednesday; consider the most important needs you have right now and put them at the top of your list. Check facts and figures or engage someone to over the next three days; also, stay in touch with business associates. Although Sunday and Monday are sensitive days you should be feeling and instant lift as Saturn moves on; celebrate. Generous gestures will get you everywhere on Tuesday.
LEO (JUL22-AUG22): Practical matters need your time on Tuesday and Wednesday; communicating with someone who is adept takes some of the pressure off you. Friendships are highlighted over the next three days; focus on coworkers, past friends and new business associates get out and have fun with a purpose. Challenge yourself to let go and move on from situations that are not emotionally fulfilling on Sunday and Monday. Take a serious look at activities or goals on Tuesday; revamp if necessary
VIRGO (AUG23-SEP22): Your down to earth attitude is the best approach on Tuesday and Wednesday. Wait for things to come to you over the next three days; stay on target with your desires, yes Virgo, you are entitled to happiness and fulfillment! Renovate, or simply take charge of your space on Sunday and Monday; your home should be a center of fun activity. Create structure within your work and gather coworkers together and express your expectations on Tuesday.
LIBRA (SEP23-OCT22): Put your creativity to realistic use on Tuesday and Wednesday; this is a winning combination. A strong feeling of moving on dominates the next three days; a new chapter is beginning consider what you truly want. The weight of Saturn leaves your sign on Sunday and Monday; rejoice, obstacles and difficulties are behind you with lessons learned; life should be much better or at least in the process of completion. Focus on enjoyment on Tuesday.
SCORPIO (OCT23-NOV21): Continue to share and show others your ideas; rewards come on Tuesday and Wednesday. Balance out your reclusive tendencies with the needs of others and socialize over the next three days; communicate your needs and be flexible it will do wonders for your relationships. Sunday and Monday are psychically sensitive days which can feel ominous at times since Saturn moves onto your Sun; hard work will eventually pay off. Actions will be supported on Tuesday.
SAGITTARIUS (NOV22-DEC21): Pressure slows on Tuesday and Wednesday; and simple pleasures bring a sense of comfort. You may want to get away over the next three days with someone special but this is a prime time for work goals and implementing a healthier regime. Don’t push to make things happen on Sunday and Monday a reflective tone works best in most situations. Crank up the music, chill the wine and have a fun time on Tuesday.
CAPRICORN (DEC22-JAN19): Financial aspects may brighten on Tuesday and Wednesday; investing in yourself and your home could pay off in surprising ways. Focus on your health over the next two days; you may have been burning the midnight oil for far two long; a checkup will help. Sunday and Monday are great days to strategize on what you need; Saturn’s departure reminds you it is time to re-emerge and join life again! Be willing to experiment on Tuesday; surprises come your way.
AQUARIUS (JAN20-FEB19): Slow down and consider what was left undone on Tuesday and Wednesday and take care of it now. Your love life may take center stage over the next three days; work on building inner confidence and your relationships will be less dramatic. Your work mission may change suddenly on Sunday and Monday as something new ramps up your enthusiasm. The main theme on Tuesday is: Are you where you want to be Aquarius? If not work hard to change it.
PISCES (FEB20-MAR19): Consider you financial needs on Tuesday and Wednesday; is your job paying you what you deserve? The next three days may be demanding; you might feel like a wish-bone if you keep on trying to placate everyone else; take time outs for reflecting on goals that include your highest aims. Tune inward and listen to your psychic vibes on Sunday and Monday; they may lead you in a more fulfilling direction. Let someone else take the lead on Tuesday; hang back and be there when called upon.