It's in the Stars
It's in the Stars for the week of June 29th, 2010By Lydia Solini (
ARIES (MAR20-APR19): Friends and colleagues have you on the go; Tuesday and Wednesday; put on your track shoes! Networking over the next two days brings many opportunities; check in on former clients. The desire to make important changes has you moving fast this weekend; communication may be strained without tact. Chances to shine on Monday and Tuesday abound so put your enthusiasm into action.
TAURUS (APR20-MAY20): Changes are necessary on Tuesday and Wednesday; be open to new possibilities! Address personal needs over the next two days; important others can understand you better if you let them in on how you are feeling. The weekend offers familial connections; romance plays important role as well; get out and have some fun. Work and pleasure may be difficult to attain on Monday and Tuesday; your steady nature helps; keep goals firmly in mind.
GEMINI (MAY21-JUN20): Excitement reins supreme on Tuesday and Wednesday; you are in the mood for friends and fun; so make a plan! Stay on track with goals over the next two days; although this will be a challenge it does bring rewards; unexpected events and new people make this an exciting two days. Your needs may clash with family members this weekend; explain yourself; give and take works best. Romantic opportunities could come your way on Monday and Tuesday; change your routine.
CANCER (JUN21-JUL21): An offer may be made on Tuesday and Wednesday; that sends you in a new direction; if current circumstances aren’t to your liking; take a chance! Connections with siblings are highlighted over the next two days; discussions about an ailing family member are necessary; get the support of sympathetic friends. Inner organization helps you have a good weekend; knowing what you want and having boundaries is the key to success. Take risks that connect with your ideals on Monday and Tuesday.
LEO (JUL22-AUG22): Tuesday and Wednesday highlight rewards which come from your strong associations with others; opportunities are right in front of you! Marketing opportunities come your way if you beef up your campaign; internet; interview and interaction is right up your alley. An intuitive mood this weekend gives you the refresh you need; think about your connections with others; what could you do differently? Monday and Tuesday are intense days; avoid reacting with a bossy tone; count to ten and listen before reacting.
VIRGO (AUG23-SEP22): Energy starts to shift on Tuesday and Wednesday; a friendly attitude at work is best. Tread carefully over the next two days; you could be feeling a bit annoyed with work situations and it may come out in your responses; easy on the caffeine! A relaxing weekend is just what you need; pamper yourself and connect with good friends. Putting a creative spirit into Monday and Tuesday gives these two days the extra energy it takes to make things happen.
LIBRA (SEP23-OCT22): The element of surprise is surrounding you on Tuesday and Wednesday; use your creative flair to benefit from the opportunities that present themselves. Friends highlight the next two days; let them in on what you are thinking and need right now; answers and opportunities come. Emotions ride high this weekend and certain feelings can’t be thought away; get to the heart of your distress; action is called for. Important others get the spotlight on Monday and Tuesday; take time for close encounters; love could bloom!
SCORPIO (OCT23-NOV21): Change your point of view with an unconventional confidant and you will find yourself moving out of ruts on Tuesday and Wednesday. Communication within business partnerships requires tact but directness on Thursday and Friday; trust is the key issue. Pondering any situation is likely to bring deep insights this weekend; share with important others it will be appreciated. Determined effort brings accomplishment on Monday and Tuesday.
SAGITTARUIS (NOV22-DEC21): Work situations bring opportunities if you follow your passion and intuition on Tuesday and Wednesday. Desires may seem out of reach over the next two days; best results come from making plans and implementing them later. You will feel the need to escape responsibility this weekend although family needs dominate; periodic breaks help you unwind; tactfully bow out of some situations. Monday and Tuesday promise to be exciting and filled with activity and conviviality.
CAPRICORN (DEC22-JAN19): A friendly demeanor at work can open up new possibilities on Tuesday and Wednesday. Communication with coworkers could be stressful over the next two days; an open approach is best; delegating should relieve stress! The weekend offers rewards if you are planning to make changes; communication with an important other is key. Monday and Tuesday give you a chance for an unexpected opportunity; change is necessary at this time.
AQUARIUS (JAN20-FEB19): You will be asked for advice on Tuesday and Wednesday; your slant helps others see potential. The next two days provide you with a forum of sorts; many old and new contacts are ready to chat and so are you; this leads to new ideas and opportunities. Sensitivity is called for this weekend; family members need some attention; get them out of their funks by following your innate intuition. Monday and Tuesday are exciting, rewarding days with lots of opportunity.
PISCES (FEB20-MAR19): Put a necessary change in motion on Tuesday and Wednesday. The next two days could tax the patience of a saint; don’t take tactless comments personally; create some boundaries with the outside world and you should make it through with flying colors. Psychic revelations this weekend gives you a greater handle on how to deal with a tricky situation. Adventure is the name of the game on Monday and Tuesday; break out of dull routines and assumptions.