It's in the Stars
It's in the Stars for the week of June 15th, 2010By Lydia Solini (
ARIES (MAR20-APR19): Take risks and move forward charting your own course on Tuesday and Wednesday. Altruism and common sense help you make the right choices over the next two days. Close relationships will need your time and attention over Saturday and Sunday; your need for freedom creates a tough balancing act; compromise on both sides makes things more palatable. Focus on containing any nebulous situations professionally and personally on Monday and Tuesday.
TAURUS (APR20-MAY20): A passionate drive is the best advertisement in business on Tuesday and Wednesday. The next two days are harmonious and great for creating industry and financial improvements just pay attention to details within contracts and commitments. Loved ones may need more than emotional support on Saturday and Sunday; they may also need money and advice. Rewards are likely on Monday and Tuesday; express your expectations within all partnerships.
GEMINI (MAY21-JUN20): Love is highlighted on Tuesday and Wednesday; new places bring new people to your attention; your witty mood lets them in. Others may need more details and some kind of commitment from you over the next two days; careful considerations should be made before making promises. Your creative nature is accentuated on Saturday and Sunday; make time to finish lingering projects. A tenacious, serious attitude on Monday and Tuesday can bring success.
CANCER (JUN21-JUL21): Sure bets are best on Tuesday and Wednesday; even if others try to persuade you in another direction. In business it will be wise to get the opinion of a business manager over the next two days; this will help you stay on track. Focus on your connections with others Saturday and Sunday; be expansive and open to what is being offered. Your natural sensitivity is highlighted on Monday and Tuesday; analyze your feelings now and make the necessary changes
LEO (JUL22-AUG22): Tuesday and Wednesday brings a possibility for fun loving pursuits. Coworkers figure prominently over the next two days as work demands your time and attention. Opportunities are everywhere on Saturday and Sunday to express your creative and emotive side; reach out for the new. Explore the potential of a situation you may be tempted to write off on Monday and Tuesday.
VIRGO (AUG23-SEP22): Break from conservative restraints on Tuesday and Wednesday; your creativity is at an all time high. You may feel the need to take action and make decisions over the next two days; so do it, you have been ruminating long enough. Move forward with confidence and reach out to others socially on Saturday and Sunday; this is a great time for connection and romance. Monday and Tuesday are great days to take charge of a work situation and win the support of authority figures.
LIBRA (SEP23-OCT22): Perseverance is the key to success on Tuesday and Wednesday teamwork is works best. Work situations fair best with knowledge of what is being expected of you over the next two days; don’t be afraid to ask for more data before proceeding. The intensity of Saturday and Sunday are due in part to anything you have been procrastinating about; take action and avoid being hard on yourself. You may question your work and financial picture on Monday and Tuesday.
SCORPIO (OCT23-NOV21): Let your feelings go on Tuesday and Wednesday; avoid hanging on to a situation that is no longer working; take a risk in a new direction. Communication is the key to greater productivity over the next two days; your natural flair for focused concentration is a plus. Love connections can smolder on Saturday and Sunday; take the time to cultivate those important relationships. Your mood runs deep on Monday and Tuesday; others may have a hard time reaching you; as you contemplate.
SAGITTARUIS (NOV22-DEC21): Your will power gets a boost on Tuesday and Wednesday; ask for assistance with follow through. Playing it too loose can throw you off course over the next two days; direct action helps bring accolades. Social activities promise festive fun as all connections are highlighted on Saturday and Sunday. A probing investigative nature will help you settle debts with others on Monday and Tuesday.
CAPRICORN (DEC22-JAN19): Children/pet projects are highlighted on Tuesday and Wednesday; take risks and follow your creativity for best results. Financial opportunity through business may present itself over the next two days; your expertise and confidence helps seal the deal. Your need to break away and show your independence within your relationship; may actually antagonize an already touchy situation; sensitivity and compromise can help. Improvement in status is possible on Monday and Tuesday.
AQUARIUS (JAN20-FEB19): Socializing, reaching out and making connections bring opportunities for rewards of all kinds on Tuesday and Wednesday. Your natural logic can glide you through the next two days; which promise a fair amount of communication. Serious relationships will crave different settings this Saturday and Sunday; a short trip to a new local helps spice things up; which helps romance sizzle. Your ability to move beyond petty situations helps you deal with a difficult other on Monday and Tuesday.
PISCES (FEB20-MAR19): A change comes your way on Tuesday and Wednesday; take a risk. Rewards are possible over the next two days if you consider your needs in an important situation. Opportunities come your way to show your versatility in an existing work situation/or/ if searching for work now is the time to assert yourself on Saturday and Sunday. Psychic forces are strong on Monday and Tuesday pay attention to your intuition; you have nothing to lose!