It's in the Stars
It's in the Stars for the week of May 11th, 2010By Lydia Solini (
ARIES (MAR20-APR19): Taking action in all areas of your life nets the best results today. Your perceptive nature is being aided my Mars and Neptune on Wednesday and Thursday; put your dynamic energy into grounded ventures to net the best results. Opportunities to network are really highlighted over the next three days; inventive approaches with contacts create buzz. Follow your feelings when planning strategy on Monday and Tuesday but avoid taking action just yet.
TAURUS (APR20-MAY20): Enthusiasm and practically fuel a fresh approach which brings results today. It may be difficult to achieve clarity on Wednesday and Thursday; your ideas may not be well thought out before expressing them; hold off and get feedback before implementing something new. Short trips that focus on family/friend relationships are favorable over the next three days. Opportunities open up on Monday and Tuesday; new beginnings reap future rewards.
GEMINI (MAY21-JUN20): You are ready to make changes today; explain your wants tactfully. Practical down to earth planning is the key to your success on Wednesday and Thursday; these two days don’t offer lots of action but are pivotal for the rest of the week. Put your best foot forward over the next three days and you will be surprised where it will lead you; opportunities abound and your expression is flawless. A sensitive approach to the feelings of others helps you on Monday and Tuesday; just listen.
CANCER (JUN21-JUL21): Independence is the key to success today; as the influences of others can seem a bit irritating. Money concerns dominate Wednesday and Thursday; as opportunities to plan and grow within your career are favored. The New moon ushers in a great chance to handle and initiate all you have been putting off over the next three days. Memories of things past could be adding to the serious energy on Monday and Tuesday; learn the lessons and move on.
LEO (JUL22-AUG22): Travel plans or the opportunity to travel highlights today; you need a break from everyday stress. Plant your seeds (ideas) in others on Wednesday and Thursday; tactful communications help you handle Mercury’s challenging energy. People and contacts are the key to fun and success over the next three days; party or create one. Your home life is featured on Monday and Tuesday; feelings need to be dealt with for all concerned; this helps you move on.
VIRGO (AUG23-SEP22): Opportunities to make a big changes begin today; examine any area of your life you are unhappy with. You will be able to make great strides on Wednesday and Thursday as business connections bring a cohesive link with your desires and with detail oriented conversations. You will get the opportunity to express your wants and wishes over the next three days; Saturn’s return is reminding you to consider your needs and finally come to conclusions. Take a break on Monday and Tuesday.
LIBRA (SEP23-OCT22): Make some decisions and take action today based on what really resonates with you and rewards are likely within career. To really experience opportunity on Wednesday and Thursday you will need a tangible objective before being able to put a creative spin on projects. Jupiter really lends a hand within your circle of confidants over the next three days; get leads and feedback and have some fun. Serious conversations and concerns dominate Monday and Tuesday; tackle issues.
SCORPIO (OCT23-NOV21): Your energy to achieve is in full force today; expect accomplishments. Rewards are likely on Wednesday and Thursday; to enhance opportunities plan open discussions and wait to take action until you reach a consensus. To gain the most from the New Moon; over the next three days; you will need to multi task and be interested in the ideas of others. Your intuition is highlighted on Monday and Tuesday; follow your feelings and allow the support of others.
SAGITTARUIS (NOV22-DEC21): You will feel full of energy today and personal achievements are possible. Dreams loom large over the next five days; to take advantage of them start by putting practical plans in place on Wednesday and Thursday. Share your creative vision and your desires over the next three days which are filled with opportunity as Jupiter and Uranus combine forces. Monday and Tuesday are a bit slow but you will need to take stock of your feelings as it relates to the last five days.
CAPRICORN (DEC22-JAN19): Tread softly today; explosive tempers make this an unpredictable day. Business plans are set in motion easily on Wednesday and Thursday; take advantage of Saturn’s favorable connection to discuss your insights with important others; a favorable response should be expected. Be patient over the next three days; delays or confusion are likely your best bet is to avoid getting overwrought. Your hunches are clear on Monday and Tuesday; take some risks.
AQUARIUS (JAN20-FEB19): Carry out new ideas today; take things to the next level. Mars creates a bit of a tangle on Wednesday and Thursday; you will need to watch what you say when it comes to less logical others. The New Moon brings a burst of energy for you over the next three days; you will be at an all time high within all your connections with others; reach out and show you care. Changes are likely on Monday and Tuesday; implement what needs to be done.
PISCES (FEB20-MAR19): Today can be a demanding day so stay on schedule as you deal with responsibilities. Wednesday and Thursday slow down to a more steady pace which allows you to gain some realistic insight about what you should be doing now. The next three days will be a bit stressful as you try to balance your needs, wants and wishes; you may need to take a stand. Monday and Tuesday are more subtle days with opportunities to follow your passions.