It's in the Stars
It's in the Stars for the week of January 26th, 2010By Lydia Solini (
ARIES (MAR20-APR19): Today can be a little scattered but versatility is the key to breaking ground; direct communication works best. Family needs play a pivotal role on Wednesday and Thursday; keeping a balance creates peace. You can accomplish a great deal over the next two days; exuberance and your natural take charge approach brings others on board with plans and projects. Work demands a practical hand; Sunday and Monday. Rewards come your way on Tuesday; with team spirit.
TAURUS (APR20-MAY20): Spend time gathering information today; use all your sources to get a complete understanding of a project. Business endeavors can pay off with new connections and financial rewards on Wednesday and Thursday; follow your intuition and go at your own pace. Your steady nature can feel a bit rocked over the next two days as others try to dominate; hang tough. A realistic approach makes Sunday and Monday buzz with productivity. You may find yourself daydreaming on Tuesday.
GEMINI (MAY21-JUN20): Gadabout and connect with others today; you are full of ideas now and this offers a chance to move in a new direction. A family member may need your help on Wednesday and Thursday; reach out and express your feelings. Take risks over the next two days; you can net big results. Opportunities are more likely on Sunday and Monday; an atypical approach with some networking may bring a much hoped for offer. Your playful nature is in full force on Tuesday; socialize.
CANCER (JUN21-JUL21): Errands could have you running all over the place today; accessibility draws other near. Wednesday and Thursday brings a more serious mood as practical matters and needs should be addressed. Make an effort to sparkle over the next two days; social opportunities can have you mixing pleasure with business. Be prepared on Sunday and Monday; get all the necessary details before signing contracts or making commitments. Partnerships need attention on Tuesday.
LEO (JUL22-AUG22): Point your charming personality in a social direction today; it could net an unexpected attraction. Your enthusiasm could help a gloomy friend on Wednesday and Thursday; take time to access your own feelings as well. Your passionate nature is thoroughly energized over the next two days; put anything of importance in motion. Heart to heart talks are in order on Sunday and Monday; many concerns can be resolved. Romance is in the air on Tuesday.
VIRGO (AUG23-SEP22): Fast paced energy dominates today; make it a point to be direct with others. A softer approach on Wednesday and Thursday will get a better response from others. Your practical sense of purpose gets a boost of energy over the next two days; projects begun now reach a conclusion on Sunday and Monday; when your eye for details takes. You will need to be more outgoing on Tuesday; as relationships take center stage. LIBRA (SEP23-OCT22): Travel and activity spotlight today; networking brings important opportunities your way. You will need to approach situations with a balanced outlook on Wednesday and Thursday; emotional needs must not be ignored when handling obligations. The need for loving connections over the next two days; could put work on the back burner. Productivity and concentration on Sunday and Monday will help you tackle outstanding projects. Your cooperative spirit gets a workout on Tuesday.
SCORPIO (OCT23-NOV21): Communicative efforts with family members are favored today. Wednesday and Thursday are intuitive but active days; be receptive to others. Your moods may be up and down over the next two days; as your desire to take a chance vacillates with uncertainty; if the odds look good do it and don’t dwell on it. The grounding energy of Sunday and Monday takes over and much accomplishment can be made with anything you put your sights on. Break away from ruts on Tuesday.
SAGITTARUIS (NOV22-DEC21): A rewarding cycle begins today; put your gregarious persona out there and unexpected opportunities will come your way. Intense connections and conversations are favored on Wednesday and Thursday; this may help you get in touch with your feelings. The next two days are energizing as the showman/woman in you surfaces; take a chance; romance is possible. Organization on Sunday and Monday; helps settle your work and home. Work with important others on Tuesday.
CAPRICORN (DEC22-JAN19): Make sure you are on the same page with others today; communication plays a pivotal role. Rewards are possible if the buttons people are pushing on Wednesday and Thursday; are addressed. Your prodding nature can complete projects over the next few days; let others in on your excellent ideas. Business is favored as well as financial gain on Sunday and Monday; your eye for detail gets you noticed. Delegate responsibilities on Tuesday.
AQUARIUS (JAN20-FEB19): Catch up with others today; attend a lecture or group event. Inspirational understanding may come in a flash on Wednesday and Thursday; follow your intuition. Rewards are likely over the next two days; all the pushing and prodding of the past few months has you ready to take action. Avoid quick reactions and responses on Sunday and Monday. Put relationships in balance on Tuesday.
PISCES (FEB20-MAR19): Much activity and dexterity is required today; use your adaptable nature to get things done. You may be a soft touch for someone who knows it on Wednesday and Thursday; be careful with commitments and financial help. The next two days promise to be exciting and full of activity; put your creativity and expressiveness to use. Rewards at work are likely on Sunday and Monday; ask for what you want! Take time to cultivate important connections with others on Tuesday.