It's in the Stars
It's in the Stars for the week of May 26th, 2009By Lydia Solini (
ARIES (MAR20-APR19): A loved one will need your support, Tuesday and Wednesday; be direct and share your ideas about taking risks. The next two days bring opportunities; important conversations and bold action can set things in motion. Frustrations can build, this weekend; as the niggling details take over; steam in silence and offer a hand; this avoids difficulties. Monday and Tuesday begins a calmer cycle; take time to have fun, travel and make plans.
TAURUS (APR20-MAY20): Money flows in, Tuesday and Wednesday, with effort; let others in on your dream; make changes to facilitate it. The people in your life become spotlighted for the remainder of the week. Family ties and traditions need tweaking over the next two days; take everything in before commenting. Clarify a situation this weekend; take a step back; involve someone close and great strides forward are made. Monday and Tuesday begin a cycle of action; love/business partnerships need discussions.
GEMINI (MAY21-JUN20): The focus for most of this week is on your personal needs. Watch spending on Tuesday and Wednesday; poor choices are possible is you are buying to make yourself feel better. Take a look at your values over the next two days; what needs to be changed? Many opportunities exist; make a plan and take action an important other offers advice. Important discussions with siblings may shed light on a matter this weekend. Romance is in the air, Monday and Tuesday, take time for love.
CANCER (JUN21-JUL21): Loved ones may be in need of your help, Tuesday and Wednesday; do what you can and take some down time. Follow your hunches and ideals over the next two days; you may find important others share your beliefs. You may feel compelled to work the weekend away; brainstorming sets plans in motion; new directions are offered; pay attention to details. Monday and Tuesday; set you off in a more peaceful direction; you will feel less stress when taking action.
LEO (JUL22-AUG22): You may need to examine your feelings about a situation, Tuesday and Wednesday. This week is all about completion. Focus on keeping your enthusiasms high over the next two days; if you do, self doubt dissipates. The weekend will focus on your connections with friends and group activity; work on difficult relationships. Monday and Tuesday highlight your position at work; individuality and ambition offer great strides forward.
VIRGO (AUG23-SEP22): Objectivity can move you up the ladder at work, Tuesday and Wednesday. Contemplation this week helps you plan for the future. Allow yourself some dreams, hopes and wishes over the next two days; avoid critical practicality. The weekend brings a chance to understand how you see yourself and how others see you; make changes where necessary. Monday and Tuesday, take action but consider the needs of those closest to you.
LIBRA (SEP23-OCT22): Work responsibilities dominate Tuesday and Wednesday; take charge and delegate. You may be feeling pressured this week to make important decisions; rewards are possible if you move forward. The next two days may have you focusing on your love life; take action, make changes if you are not happy; don’t withdraw face facts and recreate. Chores and home routines come up this weekend; clear clutter. Monday and Tuesday; offer a chance to socialize; have an impromptu gathering.
SCORPIO (OCT23-NOV21): Your intuition is extremely revved up Tuesday and Wednesday; pay attention to the signals. Travel is favored over the next two days; short trips refresh and offer a chance to unwind. Attention to detail within your social circle, this weekend; gives you added insight. Contemplation Monday and Tuesday will help you; think about much needed changes; take some time to look inward.
SAGITTARUIS (NOV22-DEC21): Family may need money and time Tuesday and Wednesday; business partnerships also highlighted; have a constructive meeting and set plans in motion. Open discussions over the next two days are a portal to your inner needs; expanding perspectives help over the next few days, as well. Details need to be addressed in work situation; this weekend; keep your eye on long term objectives. Vibes are more relaxed Monday and Tuesday; take some time away from work demands.
CAPRICORN (DEC22-JAN19): Partnerships offer rewards Tuesday and Wednesday; if you allow your true emotions in a situation to surface. Assets within your partnerships need to assessed; over the next two days; what are you getting from your connection with important others; practical needs are not enough. Calmer moods this weekend put things in perspective; take a time out for some fun. Diplomacy in work situations on Monday and Tuesday go a long way to securing your importance.
AQUARIUS (JAN20-FEB19): The emotions of others swirl around you Tuesday and Wednesday; listen. Work hard at building connections this week. Partnerships with others will need your undivided attention over the next two days; use your intuition to get at the heart of what people are saying or implying. Partnership finances are highlighted this weekend; look at constructive ways to get the word out; originality pays off. Monday and Tuesday begins an action cycle; seek more knowledge.
PISCES (FEB20-MAR19): Moody feelings can create an emotional hangover Tuesday and Wednesday. Relationships figure prominently this week; examine your needs. The day to day routine becomes the focus over the next two days; work demands give opportunities to show your stuff. A love relationship could be driving you a little crazy, this weekend; say how your feel and ask for some space. You need to put your energy into a creative projects Monday and Tuesday; this take the pressure off.