It's in the Stars
It's in the Stars for the week of May 12th, 2009By Lydia Solini (
ARIES (MAR20-APR19): Work situations will need your undivided attention on Tuesday and Wednesday. You may feel the need to contact someone from the past, over the next three days; a business associate could prove a lucrative move for you. Sunday and Monday can be socially exciting days expect a little wooing. Business deals closed on Tuesday bring rewards.
TAURUS (APR20-MAY20): Hard work and effort can have you experiencing some rewards on Tuesday and Wednesday. Rewards come in the next three days; if you and a partner look for ways to curb extravagant spending, go over your budget (if you have one!) look for ways to make your money last. Use Sunday and Monday to research opportunities; luck is on your side; work and romance sizzle; get going. Money crosses your palm on Tuesday.
GEMINI (MAY21-JUN20): Career demands take over Tuesday and Wednesday; put off communication if you can, Mercury Retrograde this week, could have you a little tongue tied now. You will feel the need for a time out over the next three days; take care of your health; this helps your over active nervous system. Rewards in love relationships are possible; Sunday and Monday; express yourself and listen to an important other. Delays may make Tuesday a little tense; take it in stride it will pass.
CANCER (JUN21-JUL21): Keep a practical, grounded approach on Tuesday and Wednesday but don’t forget your goals and desires. Working in the background these next three days; helps you get the most done; intuition pays big role in plan for future. Sunday and Monday offer a chance for romance let someone in; vulnerability does not make you weak; socialize and have fun. Positive change regarding career becomes available on Tuesday; make the most of it by putting your cards on the table.
LEO (JUL22-AUG22): Solid goals are the name of the game on Tuesday and Wednesday; previous contacts could be a goldmine; reach out to past connections. Current project could be a little trying over the next three days; this may be because you are no longer feeling an idealistic purpose or you may feel that someone is heavy handed; take a breather. Sunday and Monday brings a grand slam of fun, love and activity to connections with special others. Deadlines bring responsibilities on Tuesday; teamwork.
VIRGO (AUG23-SEP22): Initiate important projects and meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday; but keep a reasonable pace. The next three days could be fortuitous as you ramp into high gear; keep human relations in mind; you don’t want others to be too frazzled to function. Think about a much needed break on Sunday and Monday; you could use a short trip. Authority figures could reward your efforts Tuesday; take a bow.
LIBRA (SEP23-OCT22): Stand up for yourself on Tuesday and Wednesday; without getting defensive. The next three days has your drive in over time; your natural tact may be drying up; as others push your buttons; mine your words they could come back to haunt you! Opportunities are likely to manifest Sunday and Monday; short trips have you networking with new people; keep your goals in mind. Pressures to complete work have you scrambling on Tuesday; say yes to less.
SCORPIO (OCT23-NOV21): Think about your business goals on Tuesday and Wednesday; you may find yourself obsessing over a past situation, learn from it and let it go. Your intuition it turn on high; over the next three days; sift through the info and take time to process; avoid taking action. Sunday and Monday bring a chance to get things moving again; groups bring special pleasure, get out. Family and friends have the spotlight on Tuesday.
SAGITTARUIS (NOV22-DEC21): Work hard on Tuesday and Wednesday; you have lots to gain if you do. Communication may be strained in your important relationships with others over the next three days; you need to get some of your needs met, so address them instead of losing your patience. The clouds roll out Sunday and Monday and as you and others are more sociable and ready to let things go. Get more financial clarity in situations on Tuesday.
CAPRICORN (DEC22-JAN19): You are all business on Tuesday and Wednesday; things flow smoothly; tact is an important factor in reaching goals. Keep in mind that you need friends; ambitions and responsibilities can’t keep you warm at night; get in touch with your inner self over the next three days. Travel experiences on Sunday and Monday could have you understanding what you value better. Collaborative efforts work well on Tuesday.
AQUARIUS (JAN20-FEB19): Important lessons about career needs can be learned, Tuesday and Wednesday; figure out diplomatic ways to get attention. Widen your social circle over the next three days; and allow difficult others in; sometimes it is easier to change people by example than it is by being overly fanatic! Opportunities are in sync; Sunday and Monday; make changes, branch out. You have many talents; focus, to see if you are using all of them on Tuesday.
PISCES (FEB20-MAR19): Opportunities come your way on Tuesday and Wednesday; take yourself seriously and others will too! Female connections play a big role over the next three days; Mercury will have you tuning into your emotions regarding these connections; what are the lessons and where do you need to assert yourself? Career thoughts are prominent on Sunday and Monday; a journal and some time help you get needs and ideas together. Friends are an important part of Tuesday; take a time out.