It's in the Stars
It's in the Stars for the week of Februrary 3rd, 2009By Lydia Solini ( ARIES (MAR20-APR19): Today you will mostly be dealing with practical financial concerns take your time and listen. Desires can be attained if you focus on your communication with others over the next two days. Friday and Saturday are a challenge as the demands of home and family overtake your own plans. The next two days give you a chance to catch up and make some headway; take action, keep your goals firmly insight. Monday has you making steady progress at work. TAURUS (APR20-MAY20): Practical concerns dominate today so hold off decisions until tomorrow. You will need to be inventive as you try to get express your ideas and long term visions to others over the next two days. Friday and Saturday are great days for your keen business sense and much can be accomplished. Clarity may be a difficulty for you over the next two days; get advice, vent about how your feeling and don’t overreact. Things calm down on Tuesday. GEMINI (MAY21-JUN20): Family matters need a firm hand today. The intensity of the next two days can have you feeling a little ragged; you are being pulled in two directions now; take a time out; avoid communicating if you can. The emotions of others may be especially peaked on Friday and Saturday; put your logical spin on situations for upset others. Possibilities are endless over the next two days; less stress and more excitement; take action and connect with others. Property matters need your attention on Tuesday. CANCER (JUN21-JUL21): Financial opportunities are a possibility today. Your famous intuition needs a logical outlook when it comes to business concerns over the next two days. Friday and Saturday are ideal days for manifesting your desires work on communicating them to important others. A gregarious friend may pull you in a very different direction; go with the flow and think outside the traditional box. Things fall into place; as a long awaited project gets started on Tuesday. LEO (JUL22-AUG22): Tend to the needs of important others today. Friends/group activities play a role over the next two days; you are feeling emotionally expansive now so get involved. Inner goals become a focal point Friday and Saturday; take some time for introspection. The next two days can really test your patience; expect lots of activity and the need to make choices. Practical matters slow up the frantic pace on Tuesday. VIRGO (AUG23-SEP22): Continue to recharge and take care of yourself today. The next two days can have you scrambling to accomplish two distant goals; one for you and one for those you work for; work on creating balance; you can’t be all things to all people. Friday and Saturday friends play a role in getting you out for some fun, finally; take a break and don’t talk business! Your logical side dominates the next two days; others may be open to your persuasive thoughts. Show your stuff on demanding Tuesday. LIBRA (SEP23-OCT22): You will need a break from responsibilities today; so delegate. The next two days will be heady and communicative; you are brimming with ideas and insights; share. Emotions ride high for you and close friends on Friday and Saturday; share your feelings with only close others. You will feel absolutely directed to take some action over the next two days; use your intuition on important matters. Mundane details are in need of some maintenance on Tuesday. SCORPIO (OCT23-NOV21): Hard work and effort pay off and may bring possible financial rewards today. Short trips and important discussions dominate the next two days; drive carefully and express thoughts fully or opportunities can be lost. Pay attention to what you truly desire Friday and Saturday; this gives you the insight you need now. Personal matters take center stage over the next two days; stubbornness on both ends can create difficulties that seem impossible to settle. Take a time out Tuesday. SAGITTARUIS (NOV22-DEC21): Today’s focus is on practical concerns but you are in a partying mood; try to buckle down. Relationships may have you going in two directions over the next two days. Group activities are favored and your enthusiastic support can get others moving over to your way of thinking; Friday and Saturday. Opportunities are there for the taking over the next two days; your expansive nature has you traveling; connection and making changes. Get back to work on Tuesday! CAPRICORN (DEC22-JAN19): Take some much needed time for yourself today. Family needs your attention over the next two days. Get out of communication ruts Friday and Saturday; Pluto is trying to redirect your energy now to get you more in touch with your desires; take action. Don’t focus so much on the status quo and reputation; changes are in order; make them over the next two days. Things simmer down on Tuesday as practical concerns take over. AQUARIUS (JAN20-FEB19): Get back to earth; deal with others tactfully, today. Love relationships become the focus over the next two days; this is a good time to have important discussions. Work matters become an important component, Friday and Saturday; take this opportunity to redefine your desires. The next two days will be extremely busy; decisions must be made; opportunities materialize. Tuesday will deal with the finances of important others. PISCES (FEB20-MAR19): Things slow down to a more congenial pace today; money comes in. You will need to make decisions over the next two days but keep a broad view of situations; then you will make the right choice. Your home life needs your attention on Friday and Saturday; follow your intuition. The needs of children become a focal point now; give encouragement and support over the next two days. Hard work and effort pay off on Tuesday.