It's in the Stars
It's in the Stars for the week of January 13th, 2009By Lydia Solini (
ARIES (MAR20-APR19): Things smooth out today; opportunities are abundant now. Wednesday and Thursday are all about building foundations; which can be a bit tedious for you but if you delegate some of the mundane stuff; you can accomplish a great deal. The pressure builds over the next two days; with Mars and the Moon affecting your Sun; you need a break but the demands of all your relationships will need your attention. Sunday thru Tuesday highlights financial partnerships and the need to set things straight.
TAURUS (APR20-MAY20): You will need an expansive viewpoint today, if you are to get along with determined others. Expect things to be more organized and to finish tasks Wednesday and Thursday; as work becomes a smooth priority. The next two days will focus on your relationships with others; a cooperative, social spirit brings satisfaction. It will be best to use caution with your words to important others, Sunday thru Tuesday; take time to respond until you are sure of the best direction to proceed.
GEMINI (MAY21-JUN20): Your energy increases today; as you are ready to put a dramatic flair in all you do. Saturn and the Moon play a role Wednesday and Thursday; as matters of the home and family become central; emotions run high and solutions may be difficult to find. Over the next two days it will be easier to find answers and quell emotions; use tact in your discussions. Work concerns dominate Sunday thru Tuesday; remaining in the background with persistent effort brings the best results.
CANCER (JUN21-JUL21): Sensitivity runs high today; take calculated risks and let others know how you are feeling. Organization is an important key to productivity Wednesday and Thursday; Venus aids your ability to be in touch with what you desire so go for it! Relationships with important others are highlighted over the next two days; romance is in the air and your emotions are really in sync with a special someone. Sunday thru Tuesday are important days to follow intuition and take care of your needs.
LEO (JUL22-AUG22): Situations today may try your patience; maintain a calm non reactive demeanor and you will avoid difficulties. Opportunities to make corrections present themselves Wednesday and Thursday; put your diplomatic talents to work. Family and friends will take center stage over the next two days. Sunday thru Tuesday presents challenges with others; misunderstands can result as communication with others may not be clear; hold off on decisions or ultimatums until the end of the week.
VIRGO (AUG23-SEP22): Be supportive and share your thoughts today as those around you may seem off course. Love and connection will play a role on Wednesday and Thursday; it will be important to have an optimistic point of view if things are to progress in your personal life. Social events will predominate over the next two days; the different approaches of others can put a new spin on your current beliefs. Sunday thru Tuesday use candor and detail to show authorities what you can do.
LIBRA (SEP23-OCT22): An unexpected meeting today could turn into a romance. Wednesday and Thursday are deep introspective days; create a plan for yourself and get in touch with your own needs and aspirations. The demands of others will be a dominant theme over the next two days; Pluto and Mars could have you feeling anger over this situation; this pushes you to make changes. Sunday thru Tuesday will have you in need of comfort and protection reach out to important confidantes.
SCORPIO (OCT23-NOV21): Pick your battles carefully today or you may be butting heads with another stubborn person. Things move with greater efficiency Wednesday and Thursday; relationships are more peaceful and more gets accomplished. Communication is the key to success over the next two days; avoid vague responses which tend to put people off. Sunday thru Tuesday will be challenging because they are confusing and emotionally charged days; reach out to a professional to solve the problem.
SAGITTARUIS (NOV22-DEC21): Reconnecting and positive conversations dominate today; enjoy the fun. Career figures prominently Wednesday and Thursday; take your desires seriously now and work towards personal goals. Romantic pursuits take center stage over the next two days as someone new peaks your interests. Sunday thru Tuesday are important days to follow through and do what needs to be done; deep theoretical conversations add new light.
CAPRICORN (DEC22-JAN19): Today’s energy pulls you out of your ruts; be social. Many things fall into place as you work diligently to get the job done Wednesday and Thursday; authority figures are pleased with your progress. Relationships will be a challenge for you over the next two days use tact to express how you are feeling or it may just make things worse. Sunday thru Tuesday offer lots of insight about current situations and their outcome; think about what you want.
AQUARIUS (JAN20-FEB19): Expect returns for hard work today; manifesting expansive opportunities that lead to connecting with your dreams. Financial partnerships will need your attention over the next two days; your need to be independent may be part of the issue. Connections with friends will be important Friday and Saturday and a great time to talk about situations that are creating inner conflict now; Jupiter will heighten your need for unconventional self direction. Sunday thru Tuesday has you needing to take a stand with a controlling other.
PISCES (FEB20-MAR19): Focus on the needs of children today; yours or an important others. Rewards within your partnerships are possible Wednesday and Thursday; love is in the air and so is your sense of excitement. Social events will dominate the next two days as you catch up with friends and family. Mars in positive aspect to your Sun give many opportunities to make decisions which pan out well, Sunday thru Tuesday.